Experiencing Interruptions?


A woman is in a state of death under thrown clothes, the being that coexists all dimensions under the sound and train horns (train of life) enters the scene, her job consists of going in search of the bodies that have left the life to take them to the other dimension, to be reborn. He enters the scene looking for this woman, he finds her lying under clothes, without vital energy, similar to death. He drags her across the floor, grabbing her from her head, she lying down, defeated after having experienced injustice, mistreatment, human pain.
She pours on her the glitter of hope, the breath of life that this being from the universe brings with it, generating new life for her, she makes a great exhalation. This being hooks the woman's hair into the system that would represent the new life. He begins to suspend her, slowly, she little by little with small subtle movements begins to recover her breath, she goes up, hanging only by her hair. She sheds the old skin by taking off the costume that she wears, surrendering herself to new life, trusting in her own metamorphosis like a butterfly into a chrysalis. And it is this universal being called the wind who brings it and carries it away.

  • Catalina Marta Iglesias
  • Lucas Andrés Montanaro
  • Catalina Marta Iglesias
  • Lucas Andrés Montanaro
  • Catalina Marta Iglesias
  • Lucas Andrés Montanaro
  • Catalina Marta Iglesias
    Key Cast
  • Lucas Andrés Montanaro
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Other
  • Runtime:
    10 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    November 9, 2018
  • Production Budget:
    40,067 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Montreal Independent Film Festival
    November 19, 2021
Director Biography - Catalina Marta Iglesias, Lucas Andrés Montanaro

Compañía de trayectoria reciente (dos años), se inspira en la naturaleza, transformando, valorando y llevando sus diferentes creaciones escénicas y su trabajo docente hacia distintos espacios culturales - escenarios cotidianos, rurales y urbanos, así van compartiendo su Arte.
Reseña Viento Circo
Compañía de Circo-Teatro contemporánea. Se dedica a la investigación y creación de intervenciones, números y obras de Circo contemporáneo, bajo diversas herramientas de las Artes Escénicas. Se vinculan con el Arte desde el teatro físico y diversas disciplinas circenses en sus distintas suspensiones de aparatos aéreos, tales como: Telas, trapecios, suspensión capilar, también con lo expresivo manipulando objetos no convencionales de circo. Al mismo tiempo, ejercen la docencia tanto para niños como adultos en diferentes formatos y modalidades.

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