Meet Gaurav Kumar (asylumgaurav) - got a chance to shoot missteen Uttarakhand

When Gaurav Kumar ( asylumgaurav ) went to Mumbai to make his passion a profession, he got a lot of work and he shot portraits of many famous models.

  • Gaurav Kumar
  • Genres:
    Fashion Photographer
  • Date Taken:
    January 7, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Camera:
    Canon 800D , 5D Mark iV
  • Lens:
    50MM , 70-200MM , 18-135mm
  • Student Project:
Artist Biography

Asylum Gaurav is a socially renowned photographer with 6 years of practical photography experience. He started his journey as a photography enthusiast in 2015 during his school Days.

He loves sharing his knowledge about photography with fellow aspiring photographers by posts on his "GClicks" Page . Some of his favorite genres of photography are Product, street, Fitness, and Fashion.

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