Script File

McDonalds on the Moon

As Valentine day approaches, a successful single mother set out confess to her gym crush while her son wants to spend the day on McDonald’s on the Moon.

  • Oluwaseyi J Ogundana
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Short Script
  • Genres:
    Romance, conedy
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
    Yes - Big Picture Alliance
  • Judith Stark Writing Competition
    April 13, 2022
    Screenplay Award
Writer Biography - Oluwaseyi J Ogundana

Oluwaseyi Ogundana is a Nigerian- Philadelphia based filmmaker who specializes in narrative storytelling after being inspired by movies as a teenager, he hopes to create more stories that provide motivation and emotional catharsis for anyone that watches them just as they did for him. His love for the art of film stemmed from reading books as a child and it opened up his imagination, and this led him into stories on screen and in turn, took him into wanting to know what it took to put those stories on screen from script. Seeing how it takes a village to make a film, motivated him to be a part of that village.

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