Festival du Film de Voyage et d'Aventure - Bruxelles - Belgique
Travel & Adventure Film Festival - Brussels - Belgium

People Choice Award - Grande scène
People Choice Award - Catégorie "Nouveaux Espoirs"

a. All entries will be viewed prior to the festival by a pre selection committee chaired by the Programming Director.
b. Finalists chosen by the committee will be viewed by the public at the Festival Maurice L’Aventure.
2. Films selected will be announced 15th July 2018.
d. Applicants must have the intellectual property rights and distribution rights to enter this film into the competition. Applicants must acquire the performing rights for any music contained in the film and provide evidence should it be required.
a. The dispatching of any entry to the film competition implies acceptance of all regulations by the Applicant.
b. Films produced prior to the year 2016 will not be eligible for the competition.
c. Film makers from any country may enter the festival and are encouraged to attend the screenings.
d. Films may be of any length and submitted by both professional and amateur fimmakers.
e. Submission of films does not guarantee their screening at the Festival.
f. A completed and signed entry form must accompany each film otherwise it can not be considered for inclusion.
h. Films in any language other than French or English MUST have French or English subtitles or be dubbed in French or English to be considered for inclusion.
i. All submissions will be retained by the Festival for selection and archival purposes and will not be returned.
j. The Applicant grants the Festival and its successors, licensees and assigns the right to copy the entry in its entirety to facilitate technical operations of the Festival, in and through any and all media formats now known or hereafter devised.
a. Preferred format to receive and screen films is 16:9 ratio PAL format, preferred export settings for Quicktime files are Apple Pro Res 422 (HQ) at HDTV 1920x1080 square pixels. Audio 48kHz, 24-bit discrete channel or 44.1kHz and 16-bit stereo.
b. Only accept one film per disk (if submitting on Blu-ray)
c. Disks/files SHOULD NOT include bars and tones at the beginning of the programme.
d. Disks/files should always default to menu giving the capability to select ‘play’ or ‘play film’ from the menu.
e. Disks/files should not have advertisements at the beginning of playback. Any disk locked into playing adverts at the beginning of the film will not be eligible for entry. When ‘play’ is selected the disk should go only to the film.
f. Sound levels should conform to professional broadcast standards.
g. We encourage submissions of films in High Definition on either Blu-ray or hard drive, preferably in 720p, 1080p. These will be copied onto additional hard drives for supply to relevant venues, which will be wiped immediately after the festival.
h. We also encourage submissions via digital download from fast servers, youTube or Vimeo.
i. Upon request hard drives can be returned after the festival at the Applicants cost, using recorded/tracked mail. Should you wish to use a courier instead, we ask that the filmmakers make their own arrangements and cover the costs.
j. Blu-ray disks will not be returned unless submitted with a reply paid envelope.
4. PROMOTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Once your film has been selected for the Festival Maurice L’Aventure the following must be submitted:
a. A minimum of 3 high-resolution promotional still photographs at 300dpi must be submitted electronically or on disc for each film.
b. All images must be labeled with film title, location and photographer credit (or provided in a separate word document) and images must include rights to be used for film promotional purposes.
c. Two (2) minutes of footage from each film entry to be used for promotional purposes. This can be 720 or 1080 HD, preferably supplied digitally.
d. The Festival Maurice L’Aventure reserves the right to use up to two (2) minutes from each entry submitted for promotional purposes including but not limited to the Trailer.
a. The Festival Maurice L’Aventure will inform all Applicants of the status of their application once short listing is complete. If accepted the preferred format is a high definition digital file.
b. All entries give the right to Festival Maurice L’Aventure to show the film at the Festival. A signed agreement will be issued once successful films have been confirmed for inclusion in the Festival Maurice L’Aventure. c. By submitting pictures/images and signing this form the image/picture copyright holder is giving permission to the Festival Maurice L’Aventure to use these images for festival promotion and documentary purposes. The copyright of these images will always remain with the copyright holder.
d. The Applicant grants permission for the Festival Maurice L’Aventure to release contact details to the Media in Belgium and globally.
All film makers are responsible for obtaining any permissions required by copyright law in the use of any music and images used in their films. Festival Maurice L’Aventure will take no responsibility for copyright infringement. If the Festival Maurice L’Aventure thinks it necessary, proof of copyright will be asked for. Failure to produce proof in writing from the copyright holder will result in automatic expulsion from the competition.