Matt Mercury - The Mind Reels
Matt Mercury In The SpaceWays is a Saturday Morning style, animated web series based on the Matt Mercury movie by Star Wars artist, Bill Hughes. In the series, Captain Mercury and the the crew of the spaceship Electra travel the SpaceWays in search of fun, adventure and maybe a lesson or two along the way. This episode finds Matt Mercury and crew giving Mr. Lobo and his troupe of performers a ride to a distant mining outpost. Their mysterious puppet show may spell DOOM for the starship Electra and her crew! Art by Star Wars artist Bill Hughes and starring Matt Lavine, Danni, Rashii Vijay and Joe Grisaffi. Special Guests this episode include: Mr. Lobo, John Stanley, Stephanie Hyden, Dixie Dellamorto, Michael Storm and Bill Bortzfield.
Bill HughesDirectorMatt Mercury - Plot of the Galactic Mastermind, Riders In The Sky - Cartoon Cowboys
Matt LavineProducerMatt Mercury - Plot of the Galactic Mastermind, Fox 26 News, UPN Star Trek Enterprise
Matt LavineKey Cast"Matt Mercury"Matt Mercury - Plot of the Galactic Mastermind, Fox 26 News, UPN Star Trek Enterprise
Bill HughesKey Cast"Professor Brainwave"Matt Mercury - Plot of the Galactic Mastermind, Riders In The Sky - Cartoon Cowboys
Joe GrisaffiKey Cast"Nemo"Stranger Things, Scream Legacy, Matt Mercury - Plot of the Galactic Mastermind, The Bat Last Laugh
DannieKey Cast"Sparx McCoy"
Eric LoboKey Cast"Mr. Lobo"Cinema Insomnia, Plan 9 From Outer Space, Astro Zombies M3, Matt Mercury - Plot Of The Galactic Mastermind
Dixie DellamortoKey Cast"Romana"Plan 9 From Outer Space, The Ranger, Midnight Show
Stephanie HaydenKey Cast"Cosmonaughty Prime"Hover, Sons Of Guns
Bill HughesWriterMatt Mercury - Plot of the Galactic Mastermind, Riders In The Sky - Cartoon Cowboys
Project Type:Animation, Short, Web / New Media
Genres:Sci-Fi, Comedy
Runtime:19 minutes 6 seconds
Completion Date:December 1, 2022
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Bill Hughes was a designer and artist for Lucas Film's Star Wars projects. He is an indie filmmaker, writer, art director and one man animation studio in the Texas Hill Country.
With the help of our talented cast of voice actors, Producer Matt Lavine and I are hammering these episodes out by hand. It's not the easiest way to make a movie... but it's the right way!