Known for having outlandish and often complex ideas, Mark has cultivated a skill in bringing people (who's skills far exceed his own) together, allowing for something far more intriguing, exciting, and fresh to come to life.
Rickhouse Pictures
Born in California, raised in the middle of nowhere, currently living in Michigan, Mark Sampler Townsend is a producer, editor, writer, and throughly mediocre musician. With a passion for playing and performing music, many of his projects center around music and musicians. This coupled with the Pennsylvania small town he grew up in, travel experiences, and the myriad of people he's met means there is no shortage of stories to tell.
In his spare time you can find him playing guitar with his band Finding Amelia, hunched over his computer trying to figure out how to make Resolve do "that thing", or playing cards over a glass of bourbon. From TV to music, from Kentucky to Las Vegas, Mark can show you a good time with impossibly high standards.
Go Dodgers.
Calvin University
Communications / Film and Media Production
High School
North East High School
Birth Date
July 3, 1999
Birth City
Santa Rosa, CA
Current City
Grand Rapids, MI
North East, PA
Known for having outlandish and often complex ideas, Mark has cultivated a skill in bringing people (who's skills far exceed his own) together, allowing for something far more intriguing, exciting, and fresh to come to life.
Rickhouse Pictures
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