A reclusive older woman finds herself captivated by a young woman passing by her window, leading to a transformative journey of self-discovery and courage.
Melissa DiGiovineDirector
Melissa DiGiovineWriter
Melissa DiGiovineProducer
Melissa DiGiovineKey Cast"Young Woman"
Laurie LutgenKey Cast"Older Woman"
Project Type:Short
Runtime:5 minutes 25 seconds
Completion Date:May 12, 2023
Production Budget:15 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Melissa DiGiovine is a passionate aspiring filmmaker focused on writing and directing. Driven by a deep empathy for the human experience, Melissa seeks to create emotionally resonant stories that promote healing and understanding. With a strong foundation in composition, aesthetics, and consumer opinion from their BFA studies, they are determined to apply their knowledge to cinematic production. Melissa's interest lies in the visual storytelling process, often omitting words to let imagery speak. They aspire to a career in writing and directing for film or television, where they can weave impactful narratives that captivate audiences.
This film was created in a short sprint during the first visit with my Mother after a long period apart while she battled a brain tumor. In many ways, this is a commemoration of our relationship that I will cherish forever, and I hope it speaks to others as well. Women can inspire each other with displays of resilience and strength in a way that I find beautiful and moving, and this is my attempt to speak to that.