Maria Fernanda "Mafê" Martin is a 22-year-old aspiring filmmaker based in her home town Vitória, Brazil. Martin has been working on her career since 2021, working on advertisment sets in Vitória as a costume design assistant.
Maria Fernanda has made her recent debut with her first short film "White", in January of 2022, available on YouTube with Portuguese and English subtitles. The project had the help of friends and family, starting as a small idea, wich turned out to be a big success.
With over 7 thousand views, Martin's first piece had a big impact on the beggining of her career, catching attention from viwers of her TikTok profile, wich has over 30k followers. People from all over Brazil helped "White" with donations for the productions, sharings and likes to support the film.
Mafê Martin is now working for future projects, and aspires to work as a full time director and scriptwriter, hoping to be the exemple for other girls who want to be filmmakers, just like she once hoped for back in High Shcool.