Experiencing Interruptions?


The third in the 4 film short film series How we Live Together, with acclaimed actor Bill Sage. The films are extractions from French philosopher Roland Barthes 1977 lecture series How To Live Together, on ideorrythmic living formats, the social and historic utopia of living in isolated states. With Bill Sages thorough background in film, tv and stage - his monologue readings draw the listener into his inner world of philosophical contemplations and visual self observances, set onto a poetic tapestry of social documentation and archival footage as stream of thought. The short film series is a collaborative remote project between the artists during the pandemic of 2020-21 as a response to a world in crisis, transformation. and regeneration.

  • Anne Katrine Senstad
    Utopia, Monosis, Xeniteia, The Sugarcane Labyrinth
  • Anne Katrine Senstad
  • Bill Sage
    See IMBD
  • Bill Sage
    Key Cast
    "Roland Barthes"
    Author, philosopher
  • JG Thirlwell
    see www.foetus.org
  • Roland Barthes
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short
  • Genres:
    Art house film, Monologue performance, Theatre
  • Runtime:
    11 minutes 28 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 1, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Streamingmuseum.org
    New York
    United States
    October 31, 2021
  • Coney Island Film Festival
    New York
    United States
    September 16, 2022
    Live Public Premiere
    Official Selection
Distribution Information
  • AKS Studio
    Sales Agent
    Country: Worldwide
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Anne Katrine Senstad

Anne Katrine Senstad is a visual artist who has since the 90's created, shot and produced over 15 short films and video art works that have been exhibited at museums, galleries, new media and film festivals.

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Director Statement

Marginalites is the third short film in the collaborative short film series HOW WE LIVE TOGETHER, created with acclaimed actor Bill Sage, and with audio management by producer JG Thirlwell. The film series unfolds French philosopher Roland Barthes contemplations on the history of idiorrythmic living formats and societal isolation through the lives of monks. these short films deal with the process of the pandemic and understanding the implications of isolation this has on the individual during times of stress, transformation and upheaval , and what the effects are on the human condition, our psyche and our emotional development/mental health. Though working with philosophical text, we gage an overview and analytical view that we can transform creatively and intellectually into documents of our time. In Marginalities, Sage's monologue reading unfolds notions of the margenalized in society, what it means to be outcast by choice or by economic or political reasons, in various forms, i.e. priests, monks, homeless, race and gender, cultism, and above all, to be experiencing isolation within oneself, where loneliness is the internal version of marginalization.