Lucid Film Fest is an opportunity for video artists and filmmakers to have their work appreciated in a unique environment before a large and diverse audience in the heart of Chicago. Lucid Creative Agency is committed to new media artistic development, celebrating diversity by supporting artists from all backgrounds, and veering from the norm presented by traditional film festivals. This film festival is the first of its kind by Lucid, and artists are invited to submit short films and/or video artworks.
Filmmakers with all levels of experience are invited to submit work. Submission is open from March 10th-April 20th. Artists will be notified of their selection on April 30th. Works in the following categories are welcome and encouraged: short film, commercial, or music video. There will be a cash prize for first place in each category.
Entry to the event is $5. Artists whose work is selected will gain free entry plus one free guest.
As a part of our goal to stand out from other film festivals, Lucid Film Fest will be held at Porkchop, a restaurant located in Hyde Park. Food and drink will be available for purchase, and the menu can be found here:
To submit work:
-Fill out the following form:
-Pay a $15 submission fee to via PayPal, Quickpay, or Venmo. We will not review your work without receiving this payment.
(If you are experiencing financial difficulty but would still like to submit work, please email to request a fee waiver. There will be a limited number of
waived fee submissions, so please only make this request if necessary.)
-Works should be no longer than 15 minutes
Venue address: Porkchop
1516 E Harper Ct, Chicago, IL 60615
Event Date: May 12th from 2pm-6pm with party to follow
Lucid Creative Agency is excited to be hosting Lucid Film Fest and we look forward to viewing your work! We want this to be an opportunity for you to show your work, to make connections, and for everyone to have fun.
Please contact with any questions.
Like and follow @LucidCreativeAgency for updates on our company.
There will be three cash prizes (amount TBD) in the categories of music video, short film, and commercial. These categories are very broad, however, and nearly any form of moving image may be entered for consideration.