Living with PRIDE
June 28th International Pride Day, we join this fight for equality, we intend to help change the history of this group that for so many years lived in the shadows and now we can be proud of who we are, we have the freedom to decide who to love and when to do it, thanks to all who are part of this struggle and those who join along the way, thank you for helping to build a society where love and respect for those around us is a priority, happy day, we wish you all a life full of pride and freedom.
Project Title (Original Language):Vivir con ORGULLO
Project Type:Short, Student
Runtime:1 minute
Completion Date:June 28, 2024
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Spain
Country of Filming:Spain
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - 12Nubes