Little Lost Dreamers
A poetic documentary on child labor.
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:2 minutes 49 seconds
Completion Date:January 10, 2021
Production Budget:100 USD
Country of Origin:Pakistan
Country of Filming:Pakistan
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
23 | Writer | Lonewolf | Woman in IMC | Corporate Slave | Reader | Amateur Photographer
A down-to-earth, overly sensitive, super confused, and insightful individual having a young deep soul & a fragile heart.
She loves to be alone or with the people she cares about, she put on loud & good music and block out reality for a moment.
Apart from working, you will find me watching movies/seasons or listening to music or find me lost in books or if not them then definitely, daydreaming!
On the street, I saw a naked child, hungry and shivering in the cold. I became angry and said to God, “Why do you permit this? Why don’t you do something?” For a while God said nothing.
That night he replied, quite suddenly, “I certainly did something. I made you.”
- The Song of the Bird by Anthony de Mello
Presenting Poetic Documentary "Little Lost Dreamers"
Not something which can do justice with Child Labor but here dropping a little effort of mine in this regard.
Edited & Written: Hajra Waheed