Linda Shayne graduated with highest honors from the University of California at Berkeley. Received a federal grant to study adult autism and her published work includes papers on ex-offenders from San Quentin State Prison. Shayne has created a TV series for Quincy Jones, written films for DISNEY, IMAGINE and Showtime. Shayne has directed family films distributed by PARAMOUNT and WARNER BROS., as well episodic TV for NICKELODEON. She has written and directed a documentary in Thailand, created a dramedy TV series for Shah Ent. and adapted a WW2 book for a Swiss producer.
Shayne's fictional short stories were published and the English translation of Dord Krstic's non-fiction book: "Mileva and Albert Einstein: Their Love and Scientific Collaboration", was sold at the Einstein Museum House in Switzerland. Shayne recently wrote a children’s book that Emmy Award winning animator, Art Leonardi, illustrated, entitled “Longfellow Finds a Home”.