
My inspiration of the artwork is Lilith from the Old Testament, which is the first wife of Adam. She and Adam were created by God at the same time from the same soil. Lilith left the Eden Garden because of mistreatment that Adam opposed on her. Later, she became a female demon who seduced humans and strangled babies according to the Old Testament. From my perspective, she is considered “sinful” for simply taking back women’s right. Ironically, when many women in our society meet dissatisfaction or mistreating like Lilith, people, especially macho men will first blame on their femaleness as if being a woman means committing a crime. In this work, the model herself has been struggle with mistreatment of man, just like Lilith. Therefore, I created the dress by burning and splashing ink to express the anger of injustice to women. In this work, the model not only has hands full of dirt and blood, but also postures with liberation as if she breaks through cage that the society builds for women.

  • Wen Qinghua
  • Date Taken:
    November 3, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Camera:
    Canon m6
  • Lens:
    no len
  • Focal Length:
    35mm to 58mm
  • Shutter Speed:
    1/600 to 1/2000
  • Aperture:
  • ISO / Film:
  • Student Project:
Artist Biography

A high school students whose major in film arts.

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Artist Statement

First a viewer, then a teller.