Like A Flying Crane
a “Netflix style” documentary based on a truth story of Nguyễn Vũ Sơn (1958), an American Vietnamese artist.
4 years after the war ended in 1975, he risked his life to flee out of the country on a small fishing boat and 46years afterwards, he now re-settles back to his homeland.
Fong BuiDirector
Son Vu NguyenKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):NHƯ CÁNH HẠC BAY
Project Type:Documentary, Feature
Runtime:22 minutes 40 seconds
Completion Date:January 25, 2025
Production Budget:18,600 USD
Country of Origin:Viet Nam
Country of Filming:Viet Nam
Language:English, Vietnamese
Shooting Format:35mm, 4k
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Fong had made his young age journey intensively crossed over the Mekong river sub-region including: Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam. Back to Vietnam in 2013 and ever since Fong works as a fixer & producer for a several international productions including: ABC NEWS, PBS NEWS HOURS, HOUSE HUNTERS INTERNATIONALS (all USA), SBS Australia, SRF (Switzerland), Channel 4 & 5 (UK), Media Corp (Singapore)…
“I’m always fascinated about lives stories, especially those ethnic minorities ones.”