Script File


Tra il terzo e secondo secolo A.C,
nel nord-ovest della penisola italiana,
viveva un fiero popolo di pastori-guerrieri:
I Liguri.

Questa popolazione ingaggiò un serrato scontro
con Roma, che resasi conto della sua tenacia,
nel 180 A.C. ne deportò alcune decine di migliaia.

I Liguri rimasti si asserragliarono sulle montagne
e attirarondo i nemici in imboscate improvvise continuarono
ad opporre resistenza.

Questa è la storia della loro ultima resistenza.

Between the third and second centuries BC,
in the northwest of the Italian peninsula,
lived a proud people of shepherd-warriors:
The Ligurians.

This population engaged in an intense battle
with Rome, who realized his tenacity,
in 180 BC he deported some tens of thousands of them.

The remaining Ligurians barricaded themselves in the mountains
and luring the enemies into sudden ambushes continued
to resist.

This is the story of their last stand.

  • Diego Bonuccelli
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Historical, Drama
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Diego Bonuccelli

Diego Bonuccelli was born in Viareggio on November 11 1993. He studied at the University of Pisa. Since 2013 he directed several short films, feature films, documentaries and video commercials. In 2016 he directed two short films: "XII844" about the Sant'Anna di Stazzema Massacre and "Più Accecante della Notte" starring famous Italian comedian Giorgio Panariello. He has won several film festivals in Italy and United States.

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