Life After College

A group of four female friends who’ve been friends since middle school have recently graduated college and are navigating through life after college. They end up forming close relationships with their neighbors, who are three males. The crew experiences relationship issues, trying to find jobs, and are still figuring what exactly their purpose in life is.

  • Bailie Victoria Franklin
  • Sian Marie Donovan
  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Genres:
    Drama, Comedy
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Bailie Victoria Franklin, Sian Marie Donovan

Bailie V. Franklin (left): 20 years old and is a Sophomore at Clark Atlanta University with a major in Mass Media Arts, concentration is Radio, Tv and Film, with a minor in Theatre Arts. She is also an editorial writer for HER Campus CAU.
Sian M. Donovan (right): 21 years old and finishing up her second year at Pasco Hernando State College with a major in Business.

We run a blog page together on Instagram @whatsthetea20 and have over 31K followers. We’ve been best friends since the 8th grade and both plan on having successfull careers in the Film/TV industry.

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Writer Statement

We write based off our own experiences and what we’ve witnessed others in our lives experience. We want to inspire people through story telling, the way we’ve been inspired by others. Any work that we put out, we want to make the audience feel something, and to take away valuable lessons. If we can at least impact one person’s life with our work, that will be enough, but we do hope to impact many.