Leda - Ho continuato
The song „Ho continuato“ („I continued“) by Leda talks about the incommunicability between two people, a condition which can be projected to human relationships in general. The video is based on an original technique, a blending of shots, projections and live-drawing that mix up to become a monochromatic kaleidoscope where the physicality of the group-members is passed through and contaminated by abstract designs. The animated parts are moving like the "lines of expression" of the lyrics, extending themselves from the outside faces which contaminate the surroundings. Shadows and animations wanna be a symbol of the tremendous difficulty of knocking down human walls which occur, even when we live next to each other.
Marco BragagliaDirector
Marco BragagliaWriter
Marco BragagliaEditing
Project Type:Music Video
Genres:music, videoart, videoclip, musical
Runtime:4 minutes 9 seconds
Completion Date:March 1, 2019
Production Budget:250 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital Full HD
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Black & White
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Marco Bragaglia is an artist/director who divides his time between communication, directors-work for theater and cinema. As a graduate in painting, at a very young age he began to participate in art exhibitions and film festivals throughout Europe, always maintaining a predilection for the music- and artistic underground-scene. During his career he has worked on directing videos, short films, TV commercials, documentaries, fashion shows and theater events. His artistic projects have taken him all around Europe, to America and China. The multidisciplinarity, the contamination of different media, the search for new forms of expression and original languages have always been his stylistic hallmark.
"Collaborating with Leda on this project has been creatively wonderful and gratifying: to come across a musical project which is so close to one's own taste and artistic attitudes is a rare thing. Between Leda and the director there was an immediate great syntony, due to a very similar way of being. We played with so many ideas for the video of „Ho continuato“, but then the images took shape and came together in a natural, spontaneous way, the video was born as an artistic performance guided by the evocative music of the song by Leda. Watching the video of „Ho continuato“ today, I am very happy with the work we have done together, I find that music and images have merged perfectly. I wanna thank Leda for their confidence and the great artistic freedom they gave to me. "