Experiencing Interruptions?

Le Creux, 1599m

Late at night: it‘s already dark, the ambience is rustic:
dim light and walls made of wood. You don‘t know
where you are, but you already guess: somewhere in

Martin, Krölle and Robi sit at the table and talk about
the tough moments of getting the cows in the barn
to get up.

„The problem is that it‘s five in the morning.“

The next morning, it‘s still dark. Martin, you can
see his tiredness, stands at a large copper pot in the
kitchen and scoops out something that looks like milk,
next door Krölle clears out the cow shed from last
night’s droppings. The drain is clogged. While the
manure is still draining, Martin prepares the milking

The darkness gives way, day breaks. With the break
of dawn, it becomes obvious where we are.
The film tells about everyday life on the Swiss Alp
Cottage „Le Creux“, located at an altitude of 1599m.
Point blank and straight away you are confronted with
a work reality that is completely unknown to many,
even though the result of this work is appreciated, as
much as it is loved, by many: Cheese!

  • Robert Strauß
  • Robert Strauß
  • Janis Brucker
    Music Composer
  • Bela Brandes
    Sound Design & Mixing
  • Fabian Teichmann
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Le Creux, 1599m
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 14 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    October 22, 2021
  • Production Budget:
    4,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    Germany, Switzerland
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital, 1080/25p
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Robert Strauß

Robert Strauß, born in Wolfen in 1985, has lived in Hamburg since 2003, where he graduated from A-levels in 2005.

During his studies in Applied Media Economics, his future path was paved for the film editing field. For about 10 years, he isn’t really sure for how long, he has been a hybrid of an assistant editor and editor.

In his spare time, he is part of the film screening duo "Rineuto Lichtspiele", which organizes uncommercial cinema events in his neighbourhood on a regular base, because there is no cinema around.

Le Creux, 1599m is his first ever independently produced film.

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