My work is driven by curiosity and questions. I seek perspectives that surprise and stories that may bring us closer to one another.
Laurenz Paryjas (*1996) is a German filmmaker specializing in social portrait films and documentary storytelling. His latest film is his Bachelor of Arts graduation project in Film at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, focusing on directing and cinematography in documentary filmmaking.
Paryjas' cinematic style combines poetic aesthetics with precise observational sensibility. His work delves into the dynamics of social structures, exploring how people interact with their surroundings and with each other.
In his previous films, Paryjas has captured deeply personal encounters and authentic worlds, often situated at the intersection of individuality and community. With empathy and openness, his camera approaches his protagonists, maintaining a delicate balance between intimacy and respectful distance.
His latest film, a poetic reflection on a historic residential building and its inhabitants, marks a significant milestone in his artistic journey. For the first time, Paryjas steps into the role of narrator, blending personal insights with societal critique.
Laurenz Paryjas currently lives and works in Dortmund, Germany.
  • Director of Photography (2 Credits)
    Little Wallflower2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Student
  • Director (2 Credits)
    Little Wallflower2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Student
  • Producer (2 Credits)
    Little Wallflower2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Student
  • Colorgrading (1 Credit)
    Little Wallflower2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Student
  • Editor (1 Credit)
    Little Wallflower2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Student
  • Writer (1 Credit)
    Little Wallflower2025
    Documentary, Experimental, Student
  • Cutter (1 Credit)
Official Selection
Stranger Than Fiction Filmfestival
My work is driven by curiosity and questions. I seek perspectives that surprise and stories that may bring us closer to one another.
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