Last Ride of The Day
Nadia (15) spends her last day ride a motorbike with her boyfriend among feeling of loss before leaving Palu and being sent to Islamic Boarding School by her DAD (50) who always forbids her from dating.
Sarah AdilahDirectorSandy Sugar, Becoming Girl
Sarah AdilahWriterSandy Sugar, Becoming Girl
Derilius Danielle, Yusuf RadjamudaProducerBecoming Girl, The Backyard
Andiqu InayahKey Cast"Nadia"
HamlanKey Cast"Abah"
Sayaf MurtazarKey Cast"Zidan"
Project Type:Short
Genres:Drama, Coming of Age
Runtime:15 minutes
Completion Date:November 17, 2020
Production Budget:3,000 USD
Country of Origin:Indonesia
Country of Filming:Indonesia
Shooting Format:RED
Aspect Ratio:4:3
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes - Multimedia Nusantara University
Asian Perspectives Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film FestivalYogyakarta
December 27, 2021
South-East Asian Premiere
Official Selection -
Kuala International Film Festival in the SkyKuala Lumpur
June 1, 2022
Asian Premiere
Honorable Mention -
Madani International Film Festival
October 14, 2022
International Premiere
Official Selection
Distribution Information
Halaman Belakang FilmsDistributorCountry: IndonesiaRights: All Rights
Sarah Adilah has just completed her undergraduate film major at Multimedia Nusantara University with the film Last Ride of The Day (2020) as her final project film. Her film career began with a short film entitled Cermin (2015) nomination for the best student short film AFI 2015. Neraka di Telapak Kaki (2018) nomination for best short documentary FFI 2018. Gula and Pasir (2018) were screened at World Cinema Amsterdam 2019 and Menjadi Dara (2019) received a special mention award Viddsee Award Indonesia 2019. She has currently produced a fictional short film about disaster mitigation entitled "Pada Suatu Hari" and a participatory documentary project with Good Pitch Indonesia entitled "Hidup Dengan Bencana".
The problem of coming of age is a universal but personal issue. It shows us realistic stories and representations that are close to everyday life. Everyone must have experienced the coming of age process. This film is a process of the daughter trying to finding her own freedom and a strict father trying to rule everything.