Kuraute revolves around the daily happenings of a small village in a hilly region of Nepal. Generally, Kuraute (Yogendra Karki) does some bad act like stealing or deceiving someone
Yogendra KarkiDirector
Jayan Kumar MoktanWriterYogendra Karki
Dk HamalProducer
Sharada GiriKey Cast"Kali Aama"
Rachana PoudelKey Cast"Suseli"
Yogendra KarkiKey Cast"Kuraute"
Dk HamalKey Cast"Rai Budo"
Jayan Kumar MoktanKey Cast
Project Type:Short, Television
Runtime:30 minutes
Completion Date:November 19, 2019
Production Budget:500 USD
Country of Origin:Nepal
Country of Filming:Nepal
Shooting Format:Mov
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
D Cine AwardKathmandu
Best Comedy
Distribution Information
NTVDistributorCountry: NepalRights: All Rights
Yogendra Karki - a dynamic and talented Assistant Director who seamlessly bridges creative vision with practical execution in the world of cinema. With a robust portfolio spanning 10 impactful movies, music videos, and short films, Yogendra Karki is a driving force behind the scenes. As an Assistant Director, he has proven his mettle by collaborating closely with renowned directors, playing an instrumental role in translating creative concepts into compelling visual narratives.