Knowmad Short Film Festival (KSFF):
Stigma Dialogues: Drugs, Society & Humanity

The Knowmad Short Film Festival (KSFF) is a collaborative effort between the European Institute for Multidisciplinary Studies on Human Rights and Sciences - Knowmad Institut (Germany) and the North Luzon Cinema Guild (Philippines). It serves as a platform for intercultural exchange, spotlighting alternative narratives that reflect the current state of the Human Dignity.

The festival is dedicated to transforming information into knowledge, with a specific focus on promoting SDGs 10, 16, and 17.

In its fourth edition, the Knowmad Short Film Festival (KSFF) presents "Stigma Dialogues," inviting viewers to explore the societal impact of drug stigmas through the power of cinema.

"Stigma Dialogues" is a space for untold stories and silenced voices, where cinema becomes a bridge between diverse human experiences, dismantling prejudices and fostering deeper understanding of complex issues.

This year, the festival aims to illuminate the realities of the relationship between people and drugs, examining the impact of policies, and exploring their social and environmental repercussions, all while upholding human dignity and fundamental rights. Each short film and ensuing dialogue aims to contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).

The KSFF values works that craft compelling narratives, authentically represent diverse perspectives, push the boundaries of creativity, and inspire audiences to engage in meaningful discussions.

Knowmad Short Film Festival: Linking Human Dignity with the Seventh Art

The festival aims to vicibilize human rights through the democratization of filmmaking, especially from traditionally marginalized territories, in order to preserve the ethnosphere.

The final selection of short films will be used to make a Film Essay.

3 🧠 Winners
7 🌿Honorary Mentions

General Guidelines:

Knowmad Short Film Festival aims to discover, encourage, and support filmmakers and visionaries from all over the globe that articulate, interpret, and express the advances of Peace & Human Dignity through the democratization of cinematography and the lens of people living in traditionally invisibilized territories.

The festival is open to all students, amateurs, and professional filmmakers. Film entries must be between 5 and 10 minutes in length, including opening and closing credits.

Films may be in any genre. Also, film entries must not have been posted on any online platform prior to their screening at the festival.

Films should be submitted on or before October 18, 2024, 23:59 CET.


- The Knowmad Short Film Festival is open to any person or group. Films may be fiction and nonfiction, as well as other genres and styles.
- Entries should articulate, interpret, and express the advances of Human Dignity and Human Rights through the democratization of cinematography and the lens of people living in traditionally invisibilized territories.
- Participating individuals or groups must follow the Knowmad Institut on at least two social media platforms. Although not mandatory, it will be useful for the applicant. (Find us on Instagram, Twitter & TikTok as @knowmadinstitut)
- Films that have qualified in the pre-selection process shall undergo an interview for the final screening of the film festival.
- The works that are accepted in the final selection process will be announced on (date of announcement) on (Knowmad Institut's social media).

All communications to filmmakers will be published by the official Knowmad Short Film Festival Secretariat. All notifications from other sources, individuals, or unauthorized outlets are not recognized by the KSFF organizers. Official Selection Filmmakers who have qualified from primary screening will also be notified through email.
The decision of the Board of Judges is final and irrevocable.

Technical & Legal Requirements:

- Films must be in H.264, .mov, or .mp4 format shot through Smartphone or Camera.
- Entries should have a minimum of 720P resolution.
- Films in other languages must provide English subtitles.
- Films must be made after March 2023.
- Secure Consent of Use for all copyrighted music used when submitting a film.
- Copyright violations shall be seriously addressed by the filmmaker upon receiving formal complaints and may cause disqualification from the festival.
- Filmmakers are encouraged to use or create original music in musical scores or background music.
- Secure an Indigenous Permit from the country of location for films that will feature indigenous people/groups, indigenous practices, or indigenous artifacts.
- Underage Filmmakers, Production Crew, and/or Actors must secure a Parent’s/ Guardian’s consent upon the submission of their entries.

Short films must premiere at the Knowmad Short Film Festival. Entries that have been submitted to other film festivals or have been published on the Internet will be disqualified.

All entries must include the signed entry form and terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions:

Section 1:
c. Furthermore, I do hereby agree and am fully aware that the film submitted to the Knowmad Short Film Festival shall be used in the programs and campaigns of the Knowmad Institut on a non-exclusive, global, perpetual basis. I am consenting to the repurposing of the film aside from film screening after the said film festival. I waive my rights to claims and interest upon submission of our film.
d. I hereby swear that the exhibition of the Film at the film festival will not violate any law or any right of any person, entity, groups, or communities.

e. I further represent and warrant, on behalf of myself and the Film’s Owners, that the exhibition of the Film at the Festival will not violate or infringe any copyright, patent, privacy right, publicity right, trademark, service mark, or any other personal or property right of any person or entity, and that the Film does not constitute or include a defamation of any person or entity. I have paid and will pay in full all license fees, clearance fees, and other obligations, of any kind, arising from or associated with the exhibition of the Film at or in connection with the Festival.

Section 2:
f. I warrant and agree, on behalf of myself and each of the Film’s Owners, that the Film is being submitted to the Institute voluntarily and without promise or inducement, and that the submission of the Film neither imposes nor creates any obligation or responsibility on the part of the Institute, the Festival, or any Knowmad Short Film Festival Related Parties to accept the Film for inclusion in the Festival, to exhibit the Film at the Festival, to acknowledge the submission of the Film, or to return the Film to me or others.

g. In the event that any Claim is asserted, or any action, arbitration, or other proceeding is brought or commenced, in violation of the agreement set forth in the immediately preceding sentence, I agree, on my own behalf and on behalf of each of the Film’s Owners, to indemnify the Knowmad Institute and the Festival from any and all Claims, losses, liabilities, damages, fees, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees and other costs) that are incurred by the Institute, the Festival, and any Knowmad Short Film Festival Related Parties as a result of or in connection with any such Claim or any action, arbitration, or other proceeding brought in violation of the representations and agreements set forth in this paragraph, including, without limitation, reimbursement of all attorneys’ fees incurred or to be incurred by the Institute, the Festival, or any Knowmad Short Film Festival Related Parties in connection with any Claim or any action, arbitration, or other proceeding brought or initiated by me or any of the Film’s Owners or any other representative of, or person affiliated with, the Film.

Section 3:
h. In the event that the Film is accepted by the Institute for inclusion in and exhibition at the Festival, I hereby grant, on behalf of myself and each of the Film’s Owners, each of the following rights to the Institute, the Festival, and any Knowmad Short Film Festival Related Parties without reservations, conditions, or qualifications: (a) the right to use footage, stills, and/or titles, and information from or relating to the Film for promotional purposes; and (b) the right to issue and authorize publicity concerning the filmmakers and the Film and to use all associated names, likenesses, and biographical information. I also agree to provide up-to-date contact information pertaining to the director and producer(s) of the Film, and to grant the Institute and the Festival, at their sole and absolute discretion, the right to provide this information to film industry organizations that sponsor Festival events. I am aware and agree, on behalf of myself and the owners of the film, that if the piece submitted is selected, part or all of the film will be used for the realization of a Film Essay. In addition, I agree to the partial or total projection of the short film in digital or physical projections for the promotion of the KSFF. I also accept that if my short film is accepted, it will be added to the festival's public catalog permanently and will be recorded on the blockchain.

i. I acknowledge that the festival is non-profit and that any revenue generated will be used for the functioning and social purpose of the Knowmad Institut.

Section 4:
j. By completing my submission application for 2024 Knowmad Short Film Festival, I freely and voluntarily give and express my full and complete acceptance of all of the terms and provisions set forth in these Terms and Conditions. I acknowledge that no oral representations, inducements, promises, or assurances of any kind, and no representations, inducements, promises, or assurances not set forth in these Terms and Conditions, have been made to me or the Film’s Owners by the Festival, the Institute, or any Knowmad Short Film Festival Related Parties.

k. Any disputes arising from these terms and conditions shall be resolved through binding arbitration. If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Overall Rating
  • Joshua Awesome

    excellent to be selected for this

    April 2024
  • Georgios Iosefides

    Arts above all. When power of love is more than love of power then Peace.

    January 2024
  • Jonyl Tan

    Greetings from Singapore, thank you for selecting M.U.R.B.Y to be a part of your wonderful festival‼️ 🤗

    January 2024
  • We are happy to take part in the festival.

    January 2024
  • Hanne Biesemans

    Very grateful that my film was selected for Knowmad film festival. Unfortunately, I sent an email several times asking if the laurel could be forwarded, with no response. The festival has since ended some time ago and I still have not received the laurel....

    January 2024