My 10-part Series will explore Criminal Justice issues through the story of Police Officer Hakan Bell and the elite police unit he is a member of, the Gun Recovery Squad, a unit the streets call “Knockers”.
GRS, the Gun Recovery Squad is a police department elite, eight-officer team credited with getting guns and drugs off the streets at an astonishing rate. The Police Commissioner proclaims that their squad has a work ethic that is beyond reproach that resulted in 112 arrests and 136 guns confiscated in a 10-month period.
New officer HAKAN BELL hasn’t even completed Field Training when he is handpicked to join GRS. Bell, who comes from an impoverished background, always wanted to be a police officer, but never thought it was possible. He sees this as a great opportunity to make a name for himself as a police officer as well as make lots of overtime pay to provide a good life for his children.
Almost immediately his entire career, as well as his very life, is in question when he witnesses the many, many civil rights/human rights violations the Gun Recovery Squad uses to achieve their high success rate.
Officer Bell, in fear of reprisal and that his reporting the conduct would lead to negative consequences throughout the entire agency, goes along with “the program” until he finds an ally to help him extricate himself from the life that was once was a dream, but has now turned into a nightmare.
Dankwa BrooksWriter
Project Type:Short Script
Number of Pages:12
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Dankwa Brooks is a multi-award winning writer/filmmaker. He’s the ONLY Three Time First Place Winner of the Scripps Broadcasting writing competition in the contest’s 20 year history.
After studying screenwriting at Morgan State University, Dankwa completed his B.S. in film at Towson University (2002). He has since established his own production company ‘Nother Brother Entertainment, LLC., produced and directed several short films in addition to producing and directing training videos for Baltimore Police.
Dankwa also works with two film festivals in Maryland.He's on the Advisory Board of WAMMFest (Women and Minorities in Media Festival) and the Screening Committee for the Maryland Film Festival.
My series "Knockers" is the perfect Criminal Justice project because I've studied screenwriting and film academically and have over 14 years experience producing and directing training videos for Baltimore Police.