In deeply ironic Bookworm song two opposite images of modern Russian society face: on the one hand the active user of social networks and online of games not ready to go to work "for kopeks", with another — the worker of the budgetary sphere spending all the time for this work "for kopeks" and obtaining certain "social guarantees".
Сабельников Артём ВладиславовичAuthor
Сабельников АртёмName of Band or Artistголос, гитара
Горских ДаниилName of Band or Artistбас-гитара
Эбель СергейName of Band or Artistсинтезатор
Подоленко СергейName of Band or Artistгитара
Иванов ДмитрийName of Band or Artistбарабаны
Сабельников Артём ВладиславовичDirectorПостановка, монтаж
Малыченко АндрейOperatorСъёмка
Сабельников Артём ВладиславовичWriterСценарий
Сабельников Артём ВладиславовичProducerПродюсирование
Project Title (Original Language):Книжный червь
Project Type:Music Video
Runtime:3 minutes 12 seconds
Completion Date:June 22, 2017
Production Budget:50 USD
Country of Origin:Russian Federation
Country of Filming:Russian Federation
Shooting Format:digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Wave-recordsCountry: Russian FederationRights: All Rights, Internet, Video on Demand, Pay Per View, Airline, Video / Disc, Free TV, Paid TV, Console / Handheld Device