Kimberly is an animated documentary. The movie is about a young woman suffering from depression. The film is based on her diary entries. Kimberly writes about lack of drive, lack of self-esteem, her agonizing loneliness and the feeling of being understood by no one.
Holger RadaProducerThat's Life, You Know
Tara GriegWriter
Stefanie HoppeWriter
Kristen Maree JewsonWriter
Annabelle RochWriter
Caroline Maria SchneiderIllustration
Tara GriegAnimator
Stefanie HoppeAnimator
Daniel LeisAnimator
Marian MönkemöllerAnimator
Michael NiemannAnimator
Erik RehorstAnimator
Annabelle RochAnimator
Michael NiemannEditing
Project Title (Original Language):Kimberly
Project Type:Animation, Documentary
Genres:Animated Documentary, Drama
Runtime:8 minutes 21 seconds
Completion Date:September 17, 2019
Production Budget:900 EUR
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Germany
Shooting Format:Animation
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Best Independents International Film FestivalKarlsruhe
December 19, 2019
German Premiere