Kfir is a calm, collected individual.
Known for his wild ideas and his persistence to follow through.
Photography is his true passion, it has become a part of his body. He loves what he does.
He also has a love for slacklining and highling, juggling, and handstands.
  • Producer (2 Credits)
    THE 1K VIDEO2021
    To the Dust2019
    Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Short, Other
  • Videography (2 Credits)
    The Highline Extreme 6.000 : Moleson2020
    Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Short
    A Walk for a Friend2018
    Documentary, Experimental, Short
  • Writer (1 Credit)
    To the Dust2019
    Animation, Documentary, Experimental, Short, Other
  • Director (1 Credit)
    A Walk for a Friend2018
    Documentary, Experimental, Short
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