Kay Kay
A Kurmanji young shepherd in a village of Northern Khorasan in Iran as "Kay Kay" during a year can not make a decision to move out of his birthplace to Tehran or not.
Saeed AghaiDirector
Saeed AghaiWriter
Saeed AghaiProducer
Fatemeh FatemiProducer
Morteza RabbaniKey Cast"Morteza"
Project Title (Original Language):کی کی
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:24 minutes 59 seconds
Completion Date:January 15, 2023
Production Budget:6,100 USD
Country of Origin:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Country of Filming:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Language:Kurdish, Persian
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
National Short Film of Village&NomadsBojnourd
Iran, Islamic Republic of
The best documentary/ special award of Mohammad Reza Sarhangi
Distribution Information
Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcast/IRIBCountry: Iran, Islamic Republic ofRights: All Rights
Last Name: Aghai/ First Name: Saeed/ Gender: Male/ Birth Date: September 21, 1977
M.F.A, Theater Directing, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, IRAN, 2005
B.A, Scenography, Tehran University, IRAN, 2002
Experiences: Television& Broadcasting&Cinema:
Director& Producer& DOP, "KAY KAY"In Kurmanji, Documentary, 26 min,
Director& Producer& DOP, "BINGAV" In Kurmanji, Documentary, 26 min,
Director& Producer, "Darab (about an Iranian ritual poet)", Documentary, 20 min, IRIB,
Director& Producer, "Unoriginal (about Turkmen horses)", Documentary, 20 min, IRIB,
Director& Producer& Writer, "Kooshki an Asiatic Cheetah", Documentary, 50 min, IRIB, Released on