The short film revolves around the concept of the changing world wherein humanitarianism takes the back seat, when it comes to money in this materialistic world. The story brings about the plight of the lower class masses (who forms a substantial part in the population), who count on every single penny. The story highlights on the unduly importance given to even the pittance (One Rupee) in the day-to-day life of the downtrodden people. Though it is painful to see the indifference of people towards the fellow human beings from humanitarian perspective, but in reality it is a sad reflection that people desperately need every single penny, to meet the day-today needs of hand and mouth existence. The story is the portrayal of the sad reality among the have-nots.
Vj VISWADirector
Vj VISWAWriter
ARUNKey Cast"Son "
MalikKey Cast"Vendor"
BaakiyalakshmiKey Cast"Begger "
SivaKey Cast"Bus Conductor "
BaskaranKey Cast"Idli Shopkeeper "
Muthu KumarKey Cast"Gravedigger"
Project Type:Student
Runtime:5 minutes 42 seconds
Completion Date:May 20, 2023
Production Budget:300 USD
Country of Origin:India
Student Project:Yes - Madurai Kamaraj University
Vj Viswa Born in Madurai , Tamilnadu , India
Studying MSC FIlm And Electronic Media Studie In Madurai Kamaraj University