KRAFTA DOC International, Art Making Film Festival is the first international documentary film festival about making art. We love makers. Contemporary art, design, craft, food or industry, KRAFTA DOC loves people who change the world with their own hands and their own ideas. Behind the materials there is history and memory, a lively network of partnerships and professions, a commitment, very often lived as a vocation.
In a world of great change and fast information, we wanted to stop to listen to the voices of those who work in the world of art, design and architecture. We are fascinated to know where things come from, and documenting the traditions, we will open infinite possible worlds. Reinvigorating the past can create a debate to develop new sectors for the future or rediscover the forgotten ones, in a more conscious way.
KRAFTA DOC considers any type of filmmaker, independent, established, groups or collectives, commercial or educational institutions.
1.SCOTLAND REGARD. / 1st / 2nd / 3rd
2. BIG SMOKE. / 1st / 2nd
3. THE ITALIAN JOB. / 1st / 2nd /
4. EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE. / 1st / 2nd / 3rd
5. SHORTS. / 1st
6. STUDENTS. / 1st
There will be additional special mentions for works considered peculiar and worthy of interest.
The prize amounts and the names of participants to the jury will be announced soon on the website.