Private Project


The "Kamala Kunwari : A Tragic Myth" is an amalgamation of a folktale and a piece of modern fiction bearing common essence as far as storyline is concerned. The youngest queen of the king who was carrying the inheritor of the kingdom had to embrace death because of conspiracy by three other childless queens. Based on this Myth, the storyline of the film depicts how a simple village girl who was a talented dance artist-singer had to die owing to a mischievous businessman for his forcefull proposal to marry that poor girl. The incident of the storyline in the film takes place at a time exactly when the play with the above-mentioned folktale content was being staged. In the way, the film runs along with the stage play. The queen Kamala, and the village girl died in the same manner, i.e., by drowning in the deep water.

  • Samragyee Kashyap
    Key Cast
  • Himapreeti Patowary
    Key Cast
  • Arup Baishya
    Key Cast
  • Jogesh kashyap
    Key Cast
  • Chetana Das
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 43 minutes 45 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    November 30, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    50,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:

PARAMANANDA RAJBONGSHI was born in 1st January, 1959 at
Patidarrang of Darang district, Assam, India. He was completed Master Degree in Assamese Literature from Gauhati University, Ph.D. on History of Assamese. He was Former Principal, Pragjyotish College and associate professor. He was UGC recognised Ph.D. Guide. Served as the General Secretary of Asam Sahitya Sabha, one of the biggest literary, social and cultural organisations of India, for two consecutive
two-year terms from 2009-1012 and then as its Vice President during 2013-2015. The General Secretary again for another two-year term, i.e., 2015-2017. BOOKS AUTHORED Novels 1. Ejan Rajar Mrityu (1985) 2.Unmilir Prithibi (1992, 2010) 3. Eswara Alla Tere Naam (1994) 4. Kaster Dotora Kare Rao (1999, 2009) 5. Atha Bamuna-Purana-Sambad (2008) Short Story Collections 1. Ek Jehadar Janma (1985) 2. Birina Banar Suhuri (1997) 3. Ejan Ajamilar Mrityu (1998) 4. Gondh (2004) 5. Essence of the Brahmaputra (2007) English 6. Nasta Charitra (2008) 7. Nirbasita
Galpa Samagra, Nilaimatir Biya. ACHIEVEMENTS IN AUDIO-VISUAL MEDIUM Story, Screenplay & Direction Feature Film : ANAL (The Fire). (Released in 1999 and won Best Film in Assam State Film Awards, 2000) Director, Scriptwriter of the 13-episode Hindi Radio Drama ‘AGNI’ broadcast by AIR, New Delhi. Teleplays for Doordarshan Kendra, Guwahati, and PPC (N-E): i) Timira Faria Baja ii) Kamala Kunwarir Sadhu iii) Nangal Mati Aru Manuh iv) Tezimala v) Chakrabehu vi) Sita Haran (in Darrangi Khulia Bhaoria form) vii) Ram-Nabami (First-ever Modern Assamese Play) viii) Tinita Bandarar Sadhu ix) Farmud Gariyar Premgatha.

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Director Statement

The film 'Kamala Kunwari: A Tragic Myth' is based on a folk tale
comprising a number of folk songs and other elements of folklore. The film is presented in two streams moving on simultaneously - in one the story is being staged by a drama troupe and, in the other, a series of incidents being happened depicting the similar story in real life. In doing so, the basic pattern of treatment is of two different styles. While presenting the drama on the stage, the camera movement was very restricted and so there is no much focus on the characters and the set-props because of the fear that the artists would be disturbed. But in filming the actual storyline, all sorts of liberties were exploited to make the incidents full of cinematic acting and camera drama. In case of music and editing, two different means were adopted. The stage version was full of folk music elements which was left untouched. It was only because, the play had been staged for last ten years and so its music part possessed a specific design already adopted after many a trials and tribulations. In case of real-life drama part, cinematic music was obviously preferred and that too on the basis of the folk tunes since the storyline being almost same. The exact style was adopted in editing part. The stage drama portion has hardly seen any such new editing of scenes. But while dealing with the real storyline with camera, actors and various indoor-outdoor locales, cinematic editing was given priority. Over and above, the film emphasis upon women empowerment. In both the storylines of the film, the female protagonists die. But both the deaths were projected as results of destiny but actually motivated by male chauvinism. The sense of women empowerment was placed before the viewers ideologically - the rage of outcry, vehement protest and loud appeal to all to make the society free from the clutch of male chauvinism are the mental agony expressed by both the women.