Grieving his girlfriend's death, Drew decides to end his life but is interrupted by his noisy drug-dealing neighbour. When he decides to confront him, the neighbour threatens his life, inciting him to run. Drew takes refuge in the pub where his girlfriend used to work, and her father Linus judges his actions and tries to convince him his life is worth living.
J. L. PeixotoWriterUnearthed
Project Type:Screenplay, Short Script
Genres:Crime, Drama
Number of Pages:24
Country of Origin:Portugal
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Born in Portugal in 1999, José Luís Peixoto left his northern roots to graduate at the School of Media Arts and Design, where he studied Audiovisual Communication Technology. Currently attending a Postgraduate Program in Screenplay, he strives to develop his writing skills, a passion he has grown since his youth.