In the southern mountains from Oaxaca, Mexico, Juanita sells handmade tortillas from her home kitchen in the small community of San Mateo de Rio Hondo. Nixtamalization is the traditional process with which corn is worked, for the preparation of tortillas, tamales, and other foods of traditional Mexican cuisine.
The curious gaze of two foreigners who are spending some time in the community makes us party to the daily life of Tía Juanita's kitchen; a meeting and eating space are originated behind selling food, there is an interpersonal network of priests, tips, games, and breeding.
The attitude and personality of the protagonist overcome the speed, quantity, and low cost of production demanded by the market and the accelerated rhythms of life. A tribute to resistance and perseverance, to protect and revindicate the spaces and social links implicit in the artisanal processes of food production and sale.
Miky Yuste GasDirector
Mariona Castellvi EstradaDirector
Miky Yuste GasProducer
Mariona Castellvi EstradaProducer
Mariona Castellvi EstradaWriter
Miky Yuste GasWriter
Miky Yuste GasEdition
Project Title (Original Language):Juanita
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:Portrait, Life, community, woman
Runtime:23 minutes 44 seconds
Country of Origin:Spain
Country of Filming:Mexico
Shooting Format:Sony Alpha 7SII
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No