I’ve always been a storyteller. The quintessential middle child from a large extended family, I constantly vied to be the centre of attention. singing, dancing, doing impersonations. I was the brave one, the daring one, the can’t sit still one. Unusually, I was also fairly academic. I studied English Literature, Latin and Politics and once had aspirations to become a lawyer. Yet, at 45, having conquered a variety of professional roles, I had yet to discover my real passion. Then one day, in the midst of the pandemic lock down I decided to do some soul searching – what would I really love to do? I love to write; poems, short stories, anecdotes, but the life of the author is often a lonely one. As a person who thrives on solving problems, what I really want is to sit in a writer’s room, bouncing ideas back and forth with like-minded creatives. While I may be a later bloomer in the world of screenwriting, my now 48 years have gifted me some incredible experiences I’m excited to share.