I want tobe free
"I Want to Be Free" is a documentary film that explores the past memories of a female filmmaker examining the harsh conditions and patriarchy of Iranian society in the past.
Selma NayebiDirector
Selma NayebiProducer
Zahra JafariKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:12 minutes 12 seconds
Completion Date:May 24, 2019
Country of Origin:Iran, Islamic Republic of
Country of Filming:France
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Selma nayebiCountry: Canada
Selma Nayebi
She has a Master of Arts, department of art studies, Azad University of Yazd. her thesis" Silence representation analysis in the Kieślowski’s cinema in the framework of tensive function of discourse". She is independent filmmaker and directed several documentaries . Selma Nayebi films have been featured and reviewed at festivals in different countries of the world. Where I is My Mother’s House is the best documentary and won the 6th Brazilian Chest Fest World Festival. I Want to be Afsaneh is the best documentary in the International Fest Festival of Fest "Los Angeles “ and also has been NOMINATED in 4 Categories.(Best Documentary, Best Documentary Political, Best Student Film, Best Political Statement) and in competition for an AWARD at the 2015 Action on Film International Film Festival.