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Italy 70s - 10 Years of Lead

A season of blood marked by bombing, kidnapping and attempted coup d'Etat. The chronicle of ten years of fear, the most difficult time in the history of Italian democracy.

  • Omar Pesenti
  • Michele Danesi
  • Omar Pesenti
  • Massimo Vavassori
  • Nicola Salvi
  • Elisabetta Sola
  • Claudio Morandi
    Key Cast
    "Aldo Moro"
  • Marco Malizia
  • Luca Salmaso
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Italia 70 - 10 anni di piombo
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    history, docudrama, docufiction, 70s, urban guerrilla, terrorism
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 10 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    October 22, 2018
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    RED, ARRI, digital
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
  • Officina della Comunicazione
    Country: Italy
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Omar Pesenti

Omar Pesenti è regista e sceneggiatore. Animato da una fortissima passione per il cinema, nel 2006 inizia come regista di cortometraggi indipendenti, ottenendo numerosi riconoscimenti sia in Italia che all’estero; in particolare con "Un passo più lungo" (2006) vince il Sony Short Festival e con "27 minuti di purezza" (2009) ottiene i primi importanti riconoscimenti della critica. Dal 2012 passa al documentario ed inizia a sperimentarne il linguaggio, senza mai ripetersi e cercando l’ibrido perfetto con il cinema di finzione: Tommaso (2012), documentario d’esordio, è distribuito su Sky e Amazon Prime US; con i successivi ottiene distribuzioni con importanti editori come Repubblica, La Stampa, Gazzetta dello Sport. "In trincea" (2016), sulla Grande Guerra, "Italia 70" (2018), sugli anni di piombo, e "Wall of Chaos", sul muro di Berlino, in corso di realizzazione, compongono la sua trilogia sulla storia contemporanea.
Dal 2016 è membro di AIR3, Associazione Italiana Registi.

Omar Pesenti is a film director and screenwriter. Driven by a strong passion for cinema, in 2006 he debuted as a director of independent short films, winning numerous awards both in Italy and abroad; in particular with "Un passo più lungo" (2006) he won the Sony Short Festival and with "27 minutes of purity" (2009) he received the first important acknowledgments from critics. In 2012 he moved on to documentary films and starts experimenting with the language, without ever repeating himself and searching for the perfect hybrid with fictional cinema: "Tommaso" (2012), his debut docudrama, is distributed on Sky and Amazon Prime US; with his subsequent films, he obtained distributions with important publishers like Repubblica, La Stampa, Gazzetta dello Sport. "In the trenches" (2016), about the Great War, "Italia 70" (2018), on the so-called "years of lead", and "Wall of Chaos", about the Berlin wall and the GDR, in post-production, comprise his trilogy on contemporary history.
Since 2016 he is a member of AIR3, the Italian Directors Association.

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