L'ispettore Robles
"Alessandro Robles is a young police inspector who has been serving for two years in a Milan police station. Always in a bad mood, clumsy and unable to create any kind of bond with women, he is often assigned to the most ungrateful tasks. Following a strange report of a ghost sighting, Robles and his colleague Caputo, find themselves investigating a murder case in the cemetery of the small town of Borgoserpi, a disturbing and superstitious village. This death is intertwined both with an ancient folk tale about the mysterious war general Randolph Carter and the real media case of the Collector: a serial, unidentified, kidnapper of young women. The resolution of the case will lead us to discover the second identity of the Inspector and the monstrous creature that lives with him."
Adalberto LombardoDirectorMonsieur Quiconque
Roberto LopedotaWriter
Alessandro AntonazzoProducerIl postino sogna sempre due volte; Fiele; L'immagine allo specchio
Naomi MastrilliProducerIl postino sogna sempre due volte
Roberto LopedotaKey Cast"Ispettore Robles"
Thomas ManziniKey Cast"Raffaele Caputo"
Gaia MagniKey Cast"Sara Neglia"
Alessandra PennaKey Cast"Martina"
Paolo InnocentiKey Cast"Felice Bastrini"
Claudia CampaniKey Cast"Ilaria"
Melissa Di CianniKey Cast"Nicole"
Serena AmiranteKey Cast"Valentina"
Veleno productionProduction Company
Project Title (Original Language):L'ispettore Robles
Project Type:Television, Web / New Media
Genres:Detective, Thriller
Runtime:38 minutes
Completion Date:January 1, 2021
Production Budget:15,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Aspect Ratio:16.9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
LAMPDistributorCountry: WorldwideRights: All Rights
He grew up on television as a talent for Disney, he immediately became interested in cinema. He founded his film production company LAMP . light and motion pictures within he directed documentaries and fashion films for high Italian fashion brands.
I fatti si svolgono in epoca contemporanea ma i costumi e lo stile sono ispirati agli anni ‘70 per richiamare le atmosfere dei grandi neo-Noir del periodo.
Il genere poliziesco si innesta in una storia di doppi, il misterioso alter ego del protagonista rappresenta la paura per la società e la difficoltà di farne parte.
L’ambientazione urbana si alterna alla rappresentazione di “Borgoserpi”, un paesino di campagna che incarna il lato gotico e sovrannaturale della storia. Una Salem italiana che ci riporta ad atmosfere dark.
I toni di fotografia si dividono in blu (notte, paura) e in ocra (l’apparenza, l’insicurezza). La colonna sonora, completamente originale, ricorda in parte i suoni sintetizzati di Vangelis e conferisce alle scene chiave il climax e la tensione propria del genere.