IndiFest is festival organized by alterNativa in collaboration with CLACPI (Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Cine y Comunicación de los Pueblos Indígenas), with the aim of giving its own voice to the indigenous peoples and to demand the fulfillment of their Rights.

The Festival’s main objective is to promote the Identity and the Rights of the indigenous peoples through audiovisual tools. The festival includes screenings at physical venues as well as an online week event. IndiFest is complemented with other activities such as political incidence and conversations with indigenous leaders.

A commitment that enhances the decentralization of cultural habits as well as the communication of indigenous peoples concerning their Rights and intercultural relations.


An international Jury with experience in cinema, social transformation and Indigenous Peoples will choose two winners:

Feature Film Jury Award:

- Laurel and IndiFest Award Certificate
- Communication campaign of the awarded films
- Cash price of 1000€

Short Film Jury Award:

- Laurel and IndiFest Award Certificate
- Communication campaign of the awarded films
- Cash price of 400€

The Jury may grant special recognition for outstanding production.


Through an online voting system, the public will award the production of the festival that likes the most. The awards for the most voted films are:

Feature Film Audience Award:

- Laurel and IndiFest Award Certificate
- Communication campaign of the awarded films
- Cash price of 100€

Short Film Audience Award:

- Laurel and IndiFest Award Certificate
- Communication campaign of the awarded films
- Cash price of 100€

Productions produced after January 1st 2023.

Films received between December 4, 2024 and February 16, 2025 will be considered.

The same person, producer or organization can submit more than one work. Those films that have already been selected in any of the previous editions of IndiFest will not be accepted.

Films can be of any audiovisual genre: fiction, documentary, report, animation, video clip, experimental, television program or series, etc.

Films can be of any duration (short films, medium-length films and feature films), opting for two categories:
Short films (0 to 45 minutes)
Feature films (more than 45 minutes)

Films in any language are accepted and works using indigenous languages ​​are favoured. Any film whose original language is different from Spanish must be subtitled into Spanish or Catalan.

Productions must be made or submitted by producers, organizations and movements with the direct participation of indigenous organizations & communities, and that promote indigenous and Afro-descendant authorship.

Productions made collectively will be appreciated positively.

Productions in which indigenous peoples are protagonists, being central in the narrative as active subjects.

Productions aimed at promoting indigenous identity whose theme addresses their own culture, history, knowledge, traditions and narratives; as well as works that promote the rights of indigenous peoples whose theme addresses impeachment of violation of rights, organizational processes, processes of resistance and national and international advocacy or the articulation of movements and organizations of indigenous peoples.

Productions that focus on the processes of communication and defense of the rights of indigenous women will be appreciated positively.

Works that are directly or indirectly related to the climate crisis and/or its effects on indigenous peoples will be appreciated positively.

Works that promote racism or discrimination of any kind, that discriminate against women or justify gender violence, that promote a political party or religious group, or that promote specific institutions or groups with profit aims or propaganda, will not be accepted.

Overall Rating
  • Pedro Hcb

    Fantastic festival! Great selection and organization. it was an honor to participate.

    October 2024
  • Keradó Cortometraje

    Estamos muy felices de haber participado con nuestro proyecto KERADÓ y de haber recibido el premio a Mejor Cortometraje. El equipo humano del Festival es muy profesional y cálido, nos hizo sentir como en casa, la programación de películas del Festival ofrece películas de mucha calidad y con temáticas muy relevantes, que hacen reflexionar sobre la crisis climática y la resistencia de los pueblos indígenas. Sin duda una gran experiencia haber asistido y participado del Indifest.

    October 2023
  • It is a huge honor to have been selected in IndiFest Festival de Cinema Indigena de Barcelona. Though we weren't able to attend in person, we always feel we're part of the in-person festival. The communications were always warm and the festival collaterals are so beautiful, they exude the beauty, enthusiasm and kindness of the organizers.

    The festival is active in its posts and we've followed all of them, giving us the feeling that we've been really part of the festivities. Thank you so much IndiFest team! Our 2022 was so meaningful and you've been a huge part of the treasured memories. Our gratitude to all of you!

    Madamo gid nga salamat kag padayon!

    March 2023
  • We were so honored to have our film in the festival. I was sad that our team couldn't attend in person, but the Indifest team did everything possible to make us feel included. Thank you.

    November 2022
  • Fue una muy buena experiencia, gracias

    October 2022