I didn´t come to see the sky
This piece is a re-reading in the key of an electronic symphony of the poem Oficina y denuncia by Federico de García Lorca, who wrote the collection A Poet in New York between 1929 and 1930 during his stay at Columbia University. No he venido a ver cielo proposes to exorcise the anguish of the Andalusian poet and briefly ours, even for 9 minutes. Almost a century later, his vision of the economic model, social injustice and the mistreatment of animals is still valid in the face of the growing anti-capitalist criticism and the defense of the environment.
Lena Maria SzankayDirector
Lena Maria SzankayProducer
Fundación ArtexArteProducer
Project Title (Original Language):No he venido a ver el cielo
Project Type:Experimental, Music Video, Short
Genres:Poetryfilm, Videopoem
Runtime:9 minutes 13 seconds
Completion Date:May 15, 2024
Production Budget:2,000 USD
Country of Origin:Argentina
Country of Filming:Argentina
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:4K
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Achtung Kultur Soireé PoetryfilmsBordeaux
January 25, 2025
selection -
Latinale.academica bei Literarisches Zentrum GöttingenOsnabrück
June 25, 2024 -
Latinale.academica bei Museum für Industriekultur OsnabrückOsnabrück
June 19, 2024 -
Latinale. academica bei Lettretage - Acud BerlinBerlin
June 26, 2024 -
Arte x Arte FoundationBuenos Aires
Lena Szankay lived for a long time in Berlin and returned after two decades to her hometown, Buenos Aires, where she currently works as an artist and teacher of contemporary photography.
She works with visual archives, creates site-specific works (gigantographies and installations in public spaces), and addresses current political and social issues. Her work also explores the human body and how it acquires meaning as a medium. Her work has been exhibited numerous times in Europe and Argentina and has been recognized for her poetic filmic works.
Since 2022 she has been a member of IKG, Internationales Künstler Gremium (International Artist Forum), based in Germany. She was a contributor to the cultural magazine Ñ of the Clarín newspaper with her column on visual arts from 2007-2011.
Her book “Mímesis” (2009) won the First Prize at the FELIFA Fair; “Santa Fe litoral” (2012) was made with the support of La Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the publication “Los Cielos del Deseo” (Sky of desires) was published at the pandemic, in mid-August 2020.
Currently, he is working on the publication of the book “Exoplaneta. Berlin 1989”