Ice-cream and Freedom
This video is a huge part of my artist's statement! :-) I consider this my work as video art, made by the expression meanings of animation. It is a part from the series of videos ”Hit It in Your Head!” where I’ve tried to create art-works with strong visual impact (as colours and images) but with an irrational message. In other words, these are videos, which don’t have to be understood with usual logical thinking, because there is nothing for understanding: their purpose is to provoke a process of thinking, but not for the video itself, but for something, which is not in the video. It is very individual process. I know; it is not easy to explain this, because being irrational: it is not for explanation, but for perceiving.
Nэno BэlchэvDirector"My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea"
Nэno BэlchэvWriter"My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea"
Nэno BэlchэvProducer"My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea"
Nэno BэlchэvDrawings, Sounds, Editing and Animation"My Heart Is an Octopus or My Father on the Shore of the Black Sea"
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Short, Other
Genres:comedy, videoart
Runtime:40 seconds
Completion Date:April 10, 2019
Country of Origin:Bulgaria
Country of Filming:Bulgaria, United States
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
“The World After / Post-apocalyptic Notes”: Balkan video-art screeningSineu, Islas Baleares
May 5, 2023 -
XVI Cortoons Gandia International Animated Film FestivalGandia
October 22, 2020 -
IX semana por la soberania audiovisualBuenos Aires
September 21, 2020 -
XXI Bienal Internacional de Arte de CerveiraCerveira
September 16, 2020 -
III Muestra de Video Arte FaenzaBogota
September 23, 2020
South American Premiere -
Balkan Can Kino film festivalKastro, Sikinos
August 23, 2020 -
XIV Video Art MidenKalamatas, Messinia
August 19, 2020 -
CTL 59 SEGUNDOS - • VII Concurso Europeo de CreaciónNavarra
June 26, 2020
Semi-Finalist -
20th FARGO Film FestivalFargo, ND
United States
March 17, 2020 -
23rd International Encounters TraverseToulouse
March 13, 2020 -
Sylhet Film FestivalSylhet
June 15, 2020 -
The BeBop Channel Content FestivalNew York
United States
June 4, 2020 -
PUFF: Pop Up Film FestivalRonan, MT
United States -
10th International Mobile Film FestivalSkopje
Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
December 6, 2019 -
Bratina film festivalMoscow
Russian Federation
October 11, 2019
Semi-Finalist -
Filmfest BremenBremen
September 20, 2019
World Premiere
Finalist -
BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video FestivalBilbao
September 20, 2019
World Premiere -
streetside cinema/Winston-Salem, NC
United States
September 20, 2019
World Premiere -
New Wave Film FestivalHong Kong
Hong Kong
September 1, 2019
World Premiere
Neno Belchev graduated in Mural Painting from the National Academy of Art in Sofia, Bulgaria. He works as video artist and filmmaker as well as in the fields of performance, installation, sculpture and new media. Neno has made one full-length movie, four medium-length documentaries and numerous short narrative films and video art works, which won prizes, awards and nominations from international video and film festivals in the United States, Russia, the Netherlands, Spain, India, Malaysia, Romania and Austria, as well as residency-grants in the United States, Russia, China, Japan, France and Portugal. His works are possession of Xiangning Art Museum (Shenzhen, China), SAMSA (Sofia Arsenal Museum for Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria); private collections in the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, Spain, Ukraine and others. Mr. Belchev is one of the founders of the International Video Art Festival Videoholica, Varna