IRISH FILM FESTA was created in 2007, and it is aimed at promoting Irish cinematography and culture in Italy.

The festival, held at the Casa del Cinema in Rome, presents new feature films, established classics, and a short film competition.

Besides the screenings, all in original version with subtitles, the programme includes Q&As and meetings with Irish guests (directors, actors, screenwriters and producers) as well as professional panels and special events.


In order to be eligible for IRISH FILM FESTA competition, films must be under 30 minutes in duration and have an Irish producer, director or writer.

Accepted categories are Fiction (all genres), Documentary, and Animation (all techniques).

Entries must be submitted exclusively through FilmFreeway.

Deadline is January 20th, 2025. No fee requested.

Out of all the accepted entries, IRISH FILM FESTA will select – at its sole and absolute discretion – a shortlist of films for the competition.

Within a week after notification, authors of selected films must provide:

➜ a high-definition copy of the film (required formats: .mp4 or .mkv);
➜ a timecoded dialogue list (required format: .srt) – if the dialogue list will not be provided, the short film shall be deemed ineligible for the competition;
➜ a brief synopsis and a full-credits list;
➜ one or more high-resolution stills and promotional clips from the film to be used for the festival website and social media.

Event dates are to be confirmed.

Overall Rating
  • Elena Horgan

    Thank you so much for screening my short at your 2024 festival :)

    April 2024
    Response from festival:

    Go raibh maith agat! ☘️