The Ipswich Film Festival for Youth (IFFY) is back for 2024!
Entering its 11th year, this locally produced short film festival is a platform for young filmmakers nationwide.
Youth from 7 to 25 years are encouraged to create and submit their short films to be in the running for some awesome prizes.
Films should be no longer than 5 minutes (300 seconds).
*Please note we are unable to take international submissions.
2024 Theme
Judging Criteria and Categories
• Storyline
• Editing techniques
• Use of effects
• Use of theme
Over $3,300 in prizes are up for grabs in 2024.
• Winners of each sub-category will be awarded a $100.00 Everyone Ultimate Gift Card (eleven (11) prizes in total - $1100.00).
• Winners of the Best Short Film (Local) and Best Short Film (Regional) in the 7 to 11 years age category will be awarded a $300.00 Everyone Ultimate gift card (two (2) prizes in total - $600.00)
• Winners of the Best Short Film (Local) and Best Short Film (Regional) in the 12 to 17 age category will be awarded a $150.00 Everyone Ultimate Gift Card AND a $250.00 Camera House gift card (two (2) prizes in total - $800.00).
• Winners of the Best Short Film (Local) and Best Short Film (Regional) in the 18 to 25 years age category will be awarded a $150.00 Everyone Ultimate Gift Card AND a $250.00 Camera House gift card (two (2) prizes in total - $800.00).
1. The promoter of the Ipswich Film Festival for Youth (IFFY) is Ipswich City Council, (council) of 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich, Queensland (the promoter).
2. IFFY is open to all entrants, who must be aged between 7 and 25.
3. IFFY entries will open on Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 10.00 am and close on Friday 13 September 2024 at 5.00 pm AEST.
4. IFFY entrants must submit their film by the close date. The final date for all entries is Friday 13 September 2024 (close date). Films will only be accepted, if received, by the close date.
5. No entries will be accepted after the close date, this includes any re-edited versions of entries already provided prior to the close date.
6. Information on how to enter IFFY, forms part of the entry terms and conditions. All entries into IFFY are an acceptance of these terms and conditions.
7. Each entrant must create a short film of no more than 1 to 5 minutes in length and 10GB in size, abiding by the terms and conditions of entry.
8. The entry must be in one of the following formats:
B. MP4
9. Each entrant must obtain consent from all participants in the short film (this includes actors, musicians and the filmmakers) as per the online application process.
10. Each entrant must complete an online entry for their film. The entry is evidence of the entrant’s consent to these terms and conditions.
11. Entries not made in accordance with these entry terms will be invalid and not considered.
12. Entrants agree, that by participating in IFFY, they authorise the promoter to reproduce clips of selected films, for the purpose of advertising and promoting IFFY or other youth and film related events, run by council. Being a not-for-profit film festival, the promoter’s aim is to promote, and provide exposure to each entrant’s film, across the City of Ipswich.
13. Each entrant agrees that by participating in IFFY, they authorise council, Ipswich Civic Centre and Ipswich First to upload film clips to the council and Ipswich First websites, Ipswich Civic Centre, Ipswich City Council, Ipswich First and Ipswich Film Festival for Youth social media accounts, and council and Ipswich First YouTube pages.
14. Each entrant agrees that by participating in IFFY, they authorise the promoter to show their film or clips of their film, at the IFFY Screening and screen selected movies on buildings in Ipswich; and undertake screenings in public places across Ipswich.
15. The decision of the promoter to accept or reject an entry is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
16. There is no limit to the number of entries per person - each entry must be submitted separately, and a separate entry must be completed for each entry; group entries are acceptable.
17. Each entrant warrants in submitting a film, that it is their original work and does not violate or infringe (or reasonably be expected to violate or infringe) upon the legal rights of any other person, including material which is protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights.
18. Each entrant warrants that:
A. the entry is their own creation; and
B. the entry is attributable only to the entrant;
C. the entry and the acts of the promoter in relation to the entry do not infringe upon the copyright, intellectual property rights, or moral rights of any person;
D. they have the right to grant the rights under this clause and clauses 20 and 21 below.
19. Entrants agree that by entering the IFFY they authorise and grant the promoter a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence to exercise intellectual property rights in the entry (which may include, but is not necessarily limited to the use, reproduction and or exhibition of entries) for the purpose of advertising and promoting the IFFY. Entries may be exhibited or reproduced in any medium. The promoter is not required to pay a fee to exercise any intellectual property rights.
20. Entrants agree that the promoter may modify the entrant’s entry as it sees fit to meet its requirements without further reference to the entrant.
21. The promoter will always attribute the creation of the work to the entrant and will acknowledge any modification that may have been made to the entry by the promoter when exercising its rights under clause 20 of these terms and conditions.
22. Entries must not contain any material that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening or is otherwise unlawful. The film must not contain material that would be likely to cause the film to be classified “M” or a higher classification. A copy of the Guidelines for the Classification of Films and Computer Games can be found at
23. When developing your entry, please ensure you obtain all the relevant film permits. If you are filming in Ipswich, please ensure you comply with all relevant conditions for filming in Ipswich, for more detail visit
24. By entering IFFY each entrant agrees to indemnify council against all loss, damage, costs (including legal costs) or liability whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the entrant’s breach of these terms and conditions (including the content requirements).
25. By submitting a film for entry, you the entrant, warrant that:
A. you own, or have the necessary licence to grant to the promoter an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty free and worldwide right to use the film or part of the film, as described in conditions 12, 13, 14 and 19;
B. prior to entering the film in IFFY, you have gained the consent of all identifiable persons featured in the film;
C. the film is previously unpublished and is your own original work;
D. the film has not been entered into IFFY in a year previous to the current festival (2024).
26. Any entry, that at the discretion of the promoter, is deemed to be offensive, defamatory, indecent, obscene or discriminatory, will immediately be disqualified from entering IFFY. The promoter’s decision in relation to any aspect of IFFY is final. No correspondence and discussion will be entered into.
27. The entrant (or where the entrant is a minor, then the parent or guardian) shall indemnify and release council in respect of any judgement, action, or liability for all loss, damage or injury to persons or property arising from the negligence of the entrant (or where the entrant is a minor, then the parent or guardian); or against any breach by the entrant of any third party intellectual property rights and against any act or omission by the entrant (or where the entry is a minor, their parent or guardian) commenced by a third party against the promoter.
28. Words expressed in the singular in these terms and conditions also include the plural.
29. Entrant screening and Awards Ceremony are scheduled to be held on Saturday 12 October 2024 (this date is subject to change at the promoter’s discretion) at the North Ipswich Reserve Corporate Centre. Winners will be announced to the public at this event.
30. The promoter’s decision to screen a film, or any film clip, at any event, is final.
31. All entrants will be placed into the following categories according to their age:
A. 7 - 11 years
B. 12 - 17 years
C. 18 - 25 years
32. The aforementioned categories are broken down into the following award sub-categories:
A. 7 to 11 years
I. LOLs Award (Best Comedy)
II. Best Animation/Stop Motion
III. Best Documentary
B. 12 to 17 years
I. Best Documentary
II. Best Animation/Stop Motion
III. Best Short Reel
IV. Best Music Video (music rights must be sourced and included in the application to be eligible)
C. 18 to 25 years
I. Best Documentary
II. Best Animation/Stop Motion
III. Best Short Reel
IV. Music Video (music rights must be sourced and included in the application to be eligible)
33. ‘Local’ as described in condition 32 shall hereby be defined as an entry originating from the Ipswich local government area of Australia.
34. ‘’Regional’ as described in condition 32 shall hereby be defined as an entry originating from outside the Ipswich local government area of Australia.
35. All entries must originate from within Australia, no international entries shall be accepted.
36. The promoter will appoint Judges, who will shortlist all finalists in each category, and select all eventual winners in each category. All decisions made in relation to winners of each category will be final, and not subject to review.
37. Judging Criteria for all categories: story line; editing techniques; use of effects, and use of theme.
38. Prizes for each category and sub-category are as follows:
A. Best Short Film (Local) in the 7 – 11 years category will be awarded a $300.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card.
B. Best Short Film (Regional) in the 7 – 11 years category will be awarded a $300.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card.
C. Best Short Film (Local) in the 12 – 17 years category will be awarded a $150.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card and a $250.00 Camera House
Voucher ($400.00 total value)
D. Best Short Film (Regional) in the 12 – 17 years category will be awarded a $150.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card and a $250.00 Camera
House Voucher ($400.00 total value)
E. Best Short Film (Local) in the 18 – 25 years category will be awarded a $150.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card and a $250.00 Camera House
Voucher ($400.00 total value)
F. Best Short Film (Regional) in the 18 – 25 years category will be awarded a $150.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card and a $250.00 Camera
House Voucher ($400.00 total value)
G. Winners of each sub-category will be awarded a $100.00 ‘Everyone Ultimate’ gift card (eleven (11) prizes total)
39. For more information on entry details, please phone (07) 3810 6666, visit the IFFY webpage or email
Amelia Ryan
DO NOT ENTER THIS FESTIVAL. This is possibly one of the worst film festivals I have ever been involved in, and has managed to mislead and scam a large number of young, first time filmmakers. After being sent an email stating that both my films were to be included in the festival AND TO ATTEND THE AWARDS CEREMONY TO SEE THEM, I drove a significantly far distance to see my films on the big screen. Arriving at the specified time, I was informed they had played my section are ! Not only this, but I was then informed that neither of my films were being shown, that they would be in the "online" version of this festival, which I can neither find nor was told would be the case. I among others was then asked to simply stay and continue watching the section. TELLING US OUR FILMS WERE SELECTED WAS SIMPLY TO GET US THROUGH THE DOOR. This behaviour is absolutely disgusting from a festival that is dealing with young filmmakers, I may have been able to handle the mistreatment but the two 12 year old girls who were told the same were absolutely devestated. I highly recommend not entering this festival if you wished not to be taken advantage of.
October 2024 -
Clancy Ellerman-Miller
October 2022