I Choose to Challenge

This short, experimental documentary reveals spoken word artist, Charlotte Sista C Ferrell's poetic journey "from tear-soaked pillows to pillars of strength" where - at age 75- she challenges to relaunch her career via a showcase produced by a community art society.

  • Charlotte Sista C Ferrell
    Sisters Out of the Box
  • Runtime:
    37 minutes 28 seconds
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography

Charlotte Sista C Ferrell is transitioning from being an international speaker, college instructor, and writer to a blossoming indie filmmaker. She is a ‘story elicitor’ who hosts a weekly “Speak Up Listen Up Act Up-on” radio show for CJSF.ca and coordinates a Powered by Age podcast approaching 100 episodes. As a dramatic poet involved in social issues, she has created short films from some of her films and a couple of documentaries featuring peace and love-oriented poems by children and youth. Charlotte’s newly filmed experimental short documentary “I Choose to Challenge’, includes a spoken word showcase that conveys her journey from “tear-soaked pillows to pillars of strength.” Her books, From Pillows to Pillars, and Heart Balm` Just for You have generated scripts for her films, One Score, and 17 Nights, and, Sisters Out of the Box, which have won festival awards. Sista C has three adult children, Ato, Alimayu, and Charell and two grandsons Omari and Daren. She enjoys transforming social issues into engaging workshops and films. She consults and collaborates globally on healthy aging projects.

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Director Statement

I Choose to Challenge the notion that it is hopeless for a person over50 to make any headway in the film industry. I choose to challenge the barriers left UN-checked --Glass Ceilings, heritage ceilings, hidden color dealings.....
I choose to seek electric words that ignite
Collaborations between generations, races and genders
Nudging Hearts and minds to nurture other BE-ings