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Husen Andrukhaev. I will live!

No one is forgotten! And nothing is forgotten!
March 2, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hu-sen Andrukhaev - Adyg, a Soviet journalist, poet. Having lived a short but vibrant life, Husen Andrukhaev forever inscribed his name not only in the glorious annals of Russia and Adygea, but also in the history of Ukraine.
Few people know, but the author of the world famous expression "Russians do not give up!" is Husen Borezhevich Andruhaev! At the beginning of the war, on November 8, 1941, participating in fierce defensive battles in Ukraine, he, along with other fighters of his company, was surrounded by Germans. Husen covered up the withdrawal of his soldiers and lured the fascists to an unnamed height, armed with grenades. Surrounding him, the Germans several times shouted to him "Surrender to Rus!". When the cartridges ran out, he shouted in response, “Russians do not give up!” and blew himself up and the enemy soldiers surrounding him with a bunch of anti-tank grenades. After the battle, the Germans, having looked at his documents, were surprised, since they did not expect such a highlander, the Circassian, to say such words before his death.
Before the war, fascist propaganda convinced the Germans that they would take the Caucasus without a single shot, since the Aryan population would be on their side. Kh. Andrukhaev was told about these last minute by one of the Germans captured later, and it was then that the information got into the newspaper. The phrase "Russians do not give up!" Stalin liked it and he later used it more than once.
We talk about the war and understand how destructive and terrible it is, leaving painful sensations. I want about people, about a person, about character during terrible trials. About the Feat. About the hero.
The past, whether it happened now or almost 80 years ago, is no longer important, it remains the past. Of course, then we can already evaluate this as an event and easily, adequately analyze it. But in a situation where you need to react immediately, then the person’s character, actions and actions, which later descendants call a feat and heroism, are manifested.
Husen Andrukhaev is the junior political officer of the company of the 733th Infantry Regiment of the 136th Infantry Division of the 18-1 Army of the Southern Front. He could not do otherwise. He walked towards this. The last 24 hours were special in his life. Shooting from every weapon that remained in the trench, when he ordered his colleagues to be released, when he was left alone in the cold trench, protecting a small height near the village of Dyakovo in the Lugansk region ... ⠀ One. At night. Against the fascist "machine", which during this period actively attacked on the fronts of the Soviet Union.
What did the young political instructor, poet, journalist, Circassian nationality and Soviet man think in spirit that night? Periodically firing from different firing points of the trench, dragging the Maxim machine gun, what was he thinking at that moment? We will never know. But now, knowing about his actions preceding the denouement, we understand that he did not think to stop defending and retreat, even when he was left alone against a powerful army. ⠀
At that moment he knew that he would go to the end. It will go exactly as his father and mother taught him, he will go as he commands blood and education, as the people taught, he will go as his conscience and honor. It will be for the sake of others living, the country living, his people living. Soviet people. Native Adyghe aul.
When committing an act, often a person has a chance to survive, even a small one, but a chance. But Husen did not have such a chance. And he knew that. With this thought, with the legendary words “Russians do not give up!” he blew himself up with two anti-tank grenades and a dozen German soldiers and officers.
Is this a feat? Heroism? Of course - yes! And he could not do otherwise, thanks to such heroes we have values. Thanks to such actions, we live and can please loved ones. Such actions are immortal. Like Husen Andrukhayev is immortal! Thank you for life!
Bright memory to all the heroes of the war!

  • Andzor Emkuzh
  • Ratmir Khakulov
  • Andzor Emkuzh
  • Andzor Emkuzh
  • Aminat Khuazheva
  • Denis Avidzba
    Key Cast
    "Husen Andrukhaev"
  • Mikhail Chernyshov
    Key Cast
    "Nikolay Ilyin "
  • Timur Ketenchiev
    Key Cast
    "Elderly soldier "
  • Denis Vedeneev
    Key Cast
    "Commander Ivanov "
  • Diana Galishcheva
    Key Cast
    "Katya "
  • Marzhan Nehay
    Key Cast
    "Husen's mother "
  • Maria Malishevskaya
    Key Cast
    "Katya's mother "
  • Stanislav Efremov
    Key Cast
    "The Soldier "
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    15 minutes 16 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    March 2, 2020
  • Country of Origin:
    Russian Federation
  • Country of Filming:
    Russian Federation
  • Language:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Andzor Emkuzh

Андзор Емкуж, 1980г.р.
Профессиональный режиссер-постановщик,
сценарист, продюсер,
директор киностудии КАВКАЗФИЛЬМ

Заслуженный деятель искусств Республики Адыгея (РФ)

-Северо-Кавказский государственный институт искусства, г.Нальчик (Россия)
-Академия повышения квалификации и переподготовки специалистов при Московском театре «ЛЕНКОМ», Высшие режиссёрские курсы. г.Москва (Россия)

Опыт работы:
-г. Москва Киностудия «МОСФИЛЬМ»
Второй режиссер, ассистент режиссера по подбору актеров, актер
-Постановка спектаклей в театрах республик Северного Кавказа: Адыгея, Кабардино-Балкария, Карачаево-Черкесия.
-Производство музыкальных видеоклипов и рекламы

Профессиональное признание работ:
-Спектакль «РЕТРО», А. ГАЛИН.
(Признан Союзом театральных деятелей КБР по итогам театрального сезона 2015г. победителем в 4-х номинациях, в том числе «Лучший режиссерский дебют»)
(Победитель в номинациях «Лучший спектакль», «Лучшая сценография» - Межрегио-нальный фестиваль «Наш Кавказский меловой круг - 2015г.
Обладатель Приза «За лучшее воплощение классической драматургии на националь-ной сцене» - Фестиваль «Театр. Чехов. Ялта» – 2016г.)

В 2015 году основал собственную киностудию REDREAMEDIA (с 2019 года – КАВКАЗФИЛЬМ)

В 2017 году приступил к сьемкам своего дебютного полнометражного художественно-го фильма, основанного на реальных событиях «НЕВИНОВЕН». Мировая премьера состоялась в сентябре 2018г. в Канаде на МКФ «42nd Montreal World Film Festival». Премьера в России состоялась – 7 ноября 2019г., всероссийский прокат - ноябрь-декабрь 2019 года. Фильм получил награды:
Международный кинофестиваль 42nd Montreal World Film Festiva, Канада (Диплом жюри «За успешный дебют»)
«Сочи Фильм Фестиваль» (Главный приз победителя - Диплом «Самый лучший фильм» и Диплом «Приз зрительских симпатий»);
«Karelian International Film For Youth Festival», Россия (Специальный приз жюри);
«Катарсис», Россия; «Near Nazareth Festival», Израиль;
«Воткинский международный кинофестиваль», Россия (Специальный приз жюри)
«Белые Ночи Фильм Фестиваль», г.Санкт-Петербург (Главный приз победителя - Диплом «Самый лучший фильм», Диплом «Приз зрительских симпатий», Диплом «Лучший режиссер»)
«XII Чебоксарский международный кинофестиваль» и др.

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