How Brazilian Art Portrayed World War I
In a minute, I will explain how the Brazilian press used cartoons and caricatures to portray the events of the Great War from 1914 to 1918. With such a dynamic conflict, the Brazilian press could not wait for photos that would take weeks to arrive in Brazil, so they turned to artists to illustrate the events of the war.
Brazil's participation in the conflict was small, but Brazilian artists left their mark on the history of the war.
Jorge Rogelson da SilvaDirector
Jorge Rogelson da SilvaWriter
Jorge Rogelson da SilvaProducer
Jorge Rogelson da SilvaKey Cast
Natalia SchwaabNarrator
Project Type:Short
Runtime:59 seconds
Completion Date:October 7, 2024
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Name: Jorge Rogélson da Silva
Birth: September 28, 1977 in the city of Novo Hamburgo, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil .
Educational Training: Complete primary and secondary education, I conducted technical courses in
automobile maintenance .
Professional experience :
1999 – 2009 Maintenance of automobiles in dealers Ford, Toyota and Mitsubishi.
2009 – 2019
Sanitary inspector at the Municipal Health secretariat of the city of Selbach in the state of Rio
Grande do Sul, Brazil .
Works as an illustrator :
Book: 2012 - VEREADOR, A Base de Comunicação entre o Legislativo e a População
(COUNCILLOR, the basis of communication between the legislature and the population ) – Prof.
Cláudio Barth.
1994-1995 illustrations in the newspaper "A Gazeta de Campo Bom".
Scripts officially registered at the (Fundação Biblioteca Nacional) National Library Foundation :
"O Brasil sobre Rodas” ( Brazil on Wheels). Registration number : 714-985; Book: 1,382; Page: 447;
August 16th, 2016.
"A História Universal do Riso” ( The Universal History of laughter ). Registration number : 788-
587; Book: 1,531; Page: 384; October 2, 2018.
Amateur documentaries:
2015 – "Algumas Histórias de Selbach”, written and directed by me.
2017 – "1917 – O Brasil na I Guerra ", produced, written and directed by me. This one-
minute documentary competed in the "Festival of the Minute" (Festival do Minuto), São Paulo -
Phone (54) 99210-5504
Address: Av. Jacuí, 297, city of Selbach in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil . Postal code:
I request that all communication with me be done by e-mail.