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House in the sand

The documentary explores the difficult challenges that the Kentish Plover, a coastal shorebird, faces to survive along the Adriatic coast, facing natural threats and human pressures such as tourism and habitat destruction, in an exciting journey through dunes and waves. Unfortunately, the species is in a poor conservation status in Italy, mainly due to the degradation and reduction of its optimal habitat. The documentary invites us to reflect on the importance of protecting coastal biodiversity and how small gestures can make a big difference in preserving these delicate creatures. A story that reminds us of the fragility of nature's beauties and the importance of our commitment to preserving them.

  • Daniela Genta
  • Daniela Genta
  • Simona Imperio
  • ISPRA National Istitute for Environmental Protection and Research
  • Marco Ricciardi Tenore
  • Fabrizio Spettoli
    Drone footage
  • Paola Stefanini
    Drone footage
  • Marco Basso
    Kentish plover footage
  • Andrea Benvenuti
    Kentish plover footage
  • Marco Picone
    Kentish plover footage
  • Michele Soprano
    Kentish plover footage
  • Emanuele Battani
    Kentish plover footage
  • Simona Imperio
    Video animation
  • Google Earth
    Video animation
  • Claudio Germanò
    Voice over
  • Antonio Giordano
  • Carpediem
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    La casa di sabbia
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
  • Runtime:
    23 minutes 38 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    May 30, 2024
  • Production Budget:
    0 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital 4k
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Daniela Genta

Daniela Genta is a director and videomaker from Rome. Her youthful passion for photography, her love for nature and a university master degree in communication lead her to develop this profession, which began in 2018 with the editing of scientific documentaries, the writing of screenplays and the design and production of short video stories on issues concerning the protection of ecosystems. "House of sand" is her last documentary as film director and screenwriter.

Daniela Genta è una regista e videomaker di Roma. La sua passione giovanile per la fotografia naturalistica, l'amore per l'ambiente e una formazione universitaria in comunicazione sono state le premesse per lo sviluppo dell'attuale professione, iniziata nel 2018 con il montaggio di documentari scientifici, la scrittura di sceneggiature e l'ideazione e realizzazione di spot e brevi videoracconti su tematiche riguardanti la protezione degli ecosistemi. "La casa di sabbia" è il suo ultimo documentario da regista e sceneggiatrice.

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