Adventure film festival Horyzonty has a successful 18-year history of promoting inspiring documentary films focused on outdoor, adventure and extreme sports as well as on protection of the environment. Our goal is to show the spirit of adventure by presenting incredible sport performances and by connecting adventure lovers with our visitors. We want to reward filmmakers who share their vision of outdoors with us. The festival includes guest´s live presentations and discussions.
The festival gains the trust of visitors by screening extraordinary films and providing a wide range of workshops and accompanying activities.

The 19th edition of HoryZonty Adventure Film Festival will take place from
7th to 9th November 2024 in Trenčín, Slovakia

Festival in short:
• a three-day cultural event with an attendance of about 4000 visitors
• film competition focused on outdoor and adventure sports from all over the world
• multimedia presentations by guests
• photo and art exhibitions
• sport competitions and workshops
• various accompanying events
• special sections such as „ Handicapped athletes“, „Sustainable Adventure“

Grand Prix – for the best festival film – 500 EUR
Best Slovak film – 200 EUR
Best outdoor film
Special award for an eco-friendly film (with low carbon footprint)
Short film award ( max. lenght 15 min.)
Audience choice award

All award winners receive a special Horyzonty Statue Award.

1. We accept only documentaries, animated and experimental films focused on outdoor adventures, sports activities, travelling, life in the mountains, meeting different cultures and protection of the environment.

2. One filmmaker can send a maximum 2 films. The duration of the film is not limited.

3. We accept only films completed within the last 2 calendar years.

4. If Slovak or Czech is not the original language of the film, all submitted foreign films must be accompanied by English subtitles in format „srt“.

5. All filmmakers are responsible for sorting out the copyright on their own materials – music, graphic materials used in the film and are legally liable for the copyright infringement of third parties.

6. Submitter agrees to send promotional materials – synopsys, poster, photographs of the film, trailer (optional), short information about the filmmaker. Everything can be uploaded within the FilmFreeway application. These materials remain in the festival archives and the organizer reserves the right to use them on its promotional materials and provide them to the media for the purpose of informing about the festival.

7. Submission of films for the competition is possible from 18/04/2024 to 31/08/2024.

8. By submitting the film via the online form on the FilmFreeway portal, the filmmaker
agrees with the conditions of the competition and with the processing of personal data (name, email and telephone number) for the purposes of the festival and also with the use of film fragments in promotional materials. HoryZonty Festival has the right to screen submitted films during the main festival event, touring events and online events.

9. The selection committee will select films for the festival competition. Sending a film to the competition does not guarantee that the film will be shown at the festival. Filmmakers will be informed about the films selection by September 15, 2024.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact:
Mária Dutková
festival director


Pravidlá a podmienky filmovej súťaže

1. Privítame dokumentárne, animované, experimentálne a iné filmy zamerané na outdoorové dobrodružstvá, jedinečné športové výkony, cestovanie, život na horách a stretávanie netradičných kultúr ako aj filmy so zameraním na ekologické problémy.

2. Do súťaže môže jeden autor poslať maximálne dve diela. Dĺžka prihláseného filmu nie je stanovená.

3. Dátum spracovania filmu by nemal byť starší ako dva roky.

4. Prihlásené filmy musia byť nahovorené slovensky alebo česky, v prípade cudzích jazykov požadujeme osobitný formát titulkov v angličtine (srt).

5. Autor diela zodpovedá za ošetrenie autorských práv týkajúcich sa hudby a všetkých ikonografických materiálov použitých vo filme a nesie právnu zodpovednosť za porušenie autorských práv tretích strán.

6. Prihlasovateľ sa zaväzuje zaslať propagačné materiály – synopsa, plagát, fotografie z filmu, trailer, informácie o režisérovi. Všetko je možné nahrať v rámci FilmFreeway prihlášky. Uvedené materiály zostávajú vo festivalovom archíve a organizátor si vyhradzuje právo použiť ich na svojich propagačných materiáloch a poskytnúť ich médiám pre účely informovania o festivale.

7. Prihlasovanie do súťaže je možné od 18.4.2024 do 31.8.2024 výhradne prostredníctvom portálu FilmFreeway.

8. Prihlásením filmu prostredníctvom online formulára na portáli FilmFreeway autor filmu vyjadruje súhlas s podmienkami súťaže a so spracovaním osobných údajov (meno, email a telefónne číslo) na účely festivalu. Autor taktiež súhlasí s použitím filmových fragmentov v propagačných materiáloch. Festival Horyzonty má právo premietať prihlásené filmy počas hlavného programu festivalu, ako aj počas putovných a online podujatí.

9. O prijatí filmu do festivalovej súťaže rozhoduje výberová komisia. Odoslanie filmu autorovi nezaručuje, že film bude uvedený v hlavnom programe na festivale. Vybraných filmových tvorcov budeme informovať do 15. septembra 2024.

V prípade otázok nás neváhajte kontaktovať:
Mária Dutková
riaditeľka festivalu

Overall Rating
  • The HoryZonty Adventure Film Festival is my favourite film festival with outdoor/adventure/mountain focus in Slovakia. My films have been part of it for few years already and I was able to attend it in person few times too. It is always an honour to see my film on big screen in the nicest arena I have been to. The atmosphere is amazing there. That's why I am always looking forward to come back to Trencin!

    November 2024
  • Trixie Pacis

    HoryZonty is a fantastic festival, well organized and hosted in a beautiful city. From start to finish, everything ran smoothly, with no dull moments. The festival offered a variety of engaging activities throughout the city, creating a lively and immersive experience.

    It was incredibly special for our Cinematographer/Editor to share our work with a Slovak audience—particularly meaningful as he was born and raised in Slovakia but now lives in Canada.

    The location added an extra layer of magic to the experience. Situated in the historic city center with a stunning castle as the backdrop, the festival created an unforgettable setting. The special events, like Saturday’s 6km trail run, were a unique and delightful touch, blending film and community engagement.

    November 2024
  • The HoryZonty Film Festival was a wonderful experience. From the amazing people running the festival to the adventurous mood and theme, it was an honor to have my film At Sea screen at the festival and win the Best Slovak Film Award. I highly recommend this festival if you have an adventure film. The live event took place in a beautiful theater, and the award ceremony was fantastic!

    November 2024
  • Santino Martirano

    It was an honor to have our film, Still Alive screen in the festival! Thank you all for putting on such an amazing experience.

    November 2023
  • InOut Distribution

    It was great to be part of the festival. We hope to participate again with our future projects.

    November 2022