Welcome to the Honor Film Festival, we accept ALL films and media for critique and review, and we honor all the men and women presently serving and enlisted, and all who served our country through the United States Military. You do not have to be a veteran or enlisted military personnel to enter your media to our festival.

Honor Film Festival will conduct its events in virtually online or similar screenings; all screenings should be conducted for each Selected and Award Winning film, BUT ONLY with permission from the owners of each film.

ALL categories and genres accepted for all submissions, all entries accepted now!

The premier Film Festival honoring the veterans and service personnel of the United States Military.

Honor Film Festival will showcase and screen award winning films and media.

Filmmakers and media creators will experience professional competition of their hard work with films and media from around the globe. Winning films and media will have direct showcased screenings. Filmmakers and media creators and their productions will be exposed to other films and culture. *

Entrants will also experience 4k, professional photography of Officially Selected, Finalist, and Award Winning media.

Additionally HFF intends to work closely with its veteran staff or veteran family members, US Military public affairs offices to serve veterans and military personnel and families, and the USO - which serves and entertains deployed troops and traveling military personnel. This is not guaranteed, our festival recognizes that the US Military and all its branches stay extremely busy protecting and serving the USA.


Honor Film Festival ("HFF") cordially invites you to our online festival event.

The very best, award winning films and media will showcase and screen at our event.

Filmmakers will experience award certificates and laurels for winning, finalist, and official selection, screening and cultural exposure of the award winning / best of films and media during our festival event.

Entrants, filmmakers and media creators, are likely to experience other perks during our film festival event and competitions; such as opportunity for distribution. Additionally, HFF will attempt to work closely with veterans and military services to distribute best films and media to deployed troops and U.S. service personnel seeking the best film entertainment.

Managed by Event on the Lawn, Inc.

ONLY the very final Best Award Winners will receive additional showcasing and any screenings at our final event. It is at the discretion of festival staff if any additional films, beyond Best Award Winners, will receive any screenings at our hosted event.

See our website and facebook pages for more information. Festival and hosts are not responsible for travel, parking, and other unforeseeable necessities.

PLEASE read and comply with our Rules and Terms.

International standardized awards and selections:
Best Production or Producer
Best Director or Direction
Best Soundtrack or Music
Best Screenplay or Manuscript
Best Character
Best Dialogue
Best Actor
Best Horror
Best Comedy
Best Drama
Best Action
Best Animation
Best Romance
Best Political or Satire
Best Family Programming
Best Science Fiction
Best Musical
Best Experimental
Best Virtual Reality
Best Violence
Best TV or Web Series (or Media)
Best Music Video
Best Photograph
Best Illustration
Best Film (Short, Feature)

Official Selections
Finalists or Semi Finalists
and Honorable Mention Awards


A. The Honor Film Festival is dedicated and will strive to provide a positive, organized, and lawful experience centered around the celebration of filmmaking and media creation. Our festival is committed to a respectful and inclusive environment, free from politics, drama, lawlessness, and any behavior that violates the guidelines of FilmFreeway (filmfreeway.com) or the terms of service of publicly recognized social media platforms we utilize for festival promotion and communication.

B. We work as a collaborative community, without a single designated leader. We champion diversity, inclusion, and a safe, respectful, and enjoyable experience for all participants. Our core values are humility, respect, and kindness. We strive to collaborate effectively with creators, maintain open communication, and work towards shared goals. We want to listen to to the companies and others that make our festival possible to stay open and working in good order, and listen to and collaborate with each HFF participant and others involved in the family friendly, worldwide festival and public creator communities. Though our festival may ethically and viably review and critique R Rated, independent media, we are only and only ever a PG Rated, family and military friendly festival.

C. The Honor Film Festival aims to recognize the contributions of military personnel and veterans, while celebrating outstanding, quality and tasteful filmmaking and media creation. Our primary objective is to provide a positive, lawful, and entertaining experience for everyone involved.



2. Do not submit incomplete information. We want a full media / press packet, we want to know about your media you are entering to our festival. For our festival, more info is better. Name, any FULL Address for mailing (any address), Phone # (any phone number), Email, Film Title, Synopsis, Trailer if you have one, awards and screenings won, and more including and not limited to dating, timing, and standard information. Missing fields may cause a 'rejected / not selected' decision.

2.1. In our festival staff's sole discretion, we may reject / disqualify your entry if it becomes clear that you have not entered complete and / or accurate media information of the entry you submitted to our festival. We may reject or disqualify your entry prior to our Notification Date. This is not a hard and fast, absolute rule, but we most definitely do want to see that you are paying attention and giving care to your full media entry, and paying attention to what you are doing here.

3. Festival staff will not download any materials, files or anything else. It is the responsibility of the media creator / entrant to make their media available for online viewing and/or online reading without the need for our festival staff to download any files and other.

4. For manuscripts, please follow industry standard, common. We check spelling, grammar, and structure, too! Do not submit book-style manuscripts, we will not read those. Submit ONLY standardized screenplays, intended for filming and the art of screen-play writing.

5. Submit your professional media today, we want to see what you've got!

6. More category entry arenas may be added.

7. Rules and terms are subject to grow and edit prior to our final event in season.

8. The very best, award winning films and media will showcase and screen at our event, whether virtual / online or ground venue event.

9. Filmmakers will experience award certificates and laurels for winning, finalist, and official selection, screening and cultural exposure of the award winning / best of films and media during our festival event.

10. Entrants, filmmakers and media creators, are likely to experience other perks during our film festival event and competitions; such as opportunity for distribution. Additionally, HFF will attempt to work closely with veterans and military services to distribute best films and media to deployed troops and U.S. service personnel seeking the best film entertainment.

11. * Dates ,time, and location are subject to continued availability up to the date and time of the event. HFF will make repeat attempt to ensure our location is secure and ready to screen films and showcase winning media.

12. ONLY the very final Best Award Winners will receive additional showcasing and any screenings at our final event. It is at the discretion of festival staff if any additional films, including Officially Selected and other media entered in our category competitions, beyond Best Award Winners, will receive any screenings at our hosted event.

13. See our website and social media pages for more information. Festival and hosts are not responsible for travel, parking, and other unforeseeable necessities.

14. Filmmakers, Official Selections, and Award Winners attending (Attendee(s)) must also purchase tickets and are responsible for any ticket purchases of family, friends and / or fans who attend their film screening and / or media showcasing.


15. Unless specially and specifically invited to our festival, Official Selections are $12.00 for each entered media entered by a creator / contestant / entrant. $12.00 (ten dollars) covers our festival office costs and includes the creator receiving all award and certification documents from our festival. This cost also includes permanent organizing, listing and showcasing of your media in our festival, to provide you with a lifetime of professional recognition of your media and your work.

16. Attendee is fully responsible for their own parking, their vehicle(s) (if any), and for their own belongings at event.

17. Standard and normal festival event rules apply (see Sundance Film Festival events and other recognized events), HFF will apply standardized rules as needed.

18. By entering, competing and involving in our festival you understand and you automatically and fully agree that our theater venue / season event location is subject to change and is fully dependent on the actual number of filmmaker and media entries during the same season the event is to take place and be held and conducted by our festival staff. Theater venue may be held at a library, church or other venue if the number of entries does not meet the minimum requirement for AMC Theaters venue to host, screen and conduct our festival season's event.

19. By entering, competing and involving in our festival you understand and you automatically and fully agree that your media and filmmaker information must and will be fully, technically and also digitally handled by our festival staff and teams, coordinated, organized, recruited, collaborated, data analyzed, managed, repeatedly critiqued and reviewed, and OTHER for the purposes of screening, showcasing, and providing a great festival and the best festival HFF can provide to its entrants and audiences online and on the ground.

20. For all your professional media, films, and creative, formatted writing, HFF will, in a private and copyright-interested manner a repository and library from all seasons of entrants' / recruits' media, films and screenplays. With the entrants' / recruits' strict and written permission we will, in capacity, distribute your media to persons, agencies and entities requesting coordinated media and information.

21. In some instances our festival staff may invite a filmmaker entrant and his/her crew as guests or even hosts for a festival season.

22. By entering, competing and involving in our festival you understand and you automatically and fully agree that our rules, fees and other about our festival are subject to immediate change without prior notice to you.

23. Age 18 and up only. This festival is, will be and is intended for mature adults and adult audiences only.

24. Entering your media into more than one category will not improve nor increase your media's chances of receiving an Official Selection and/or Award. And, in example, if you enter your media into the Drama Short category but your media has no drama in it, our festival judge panel will likely deny / reject your media in final.

25. In its sole and ONGOING discretion, HFF does or may charge a price up front for competitive category entries, or may - in some instances or seasons if any - allow for any free entry to keep the culture and celebration of filmmaking and media creation thriving.

26. Our festival may not issue Honor Film Festival personalized or separate awards and selections, laurels, promotional materials, certificates and other documentation to selected, finalist, and award ("Best ...") winning media in each season. The festival may ask competing and winning entrants to fully and only utilize Film Freeway's free laurels creator webpage to procure a laurel / award for media which has won an award, selection, finalist, nominee or other applicable, merit designations in our festival / seasons.