Highway To Hell
"Highway To Hell" is an exhilarating documentary that delves into the extraordinary lives of men who push the boundaries of physics and human capability by driving bikes and motorcycles on vertical walls. This heart-pounding film takes viewers on a captivating journey into the lives of these fearless individuals who have turned their passion into a profession, challenging the limits of both gravity and their own courage.
The documentary explores the captivating subculture of vertical riding, where gravity-defying stunts are not just a spectacle, but a way of life. Through in-depth interviews, breathtaking visual storytelling, and adrenaline-pumping action sequences, the film introduces audiences to the riders themselves. From their motivations and inspirations to the thrills and dangers they face, each rider's personal journey is an inspiring testament to the human spirit's capacity for pushing boundaries.
Zeyad Masroor KhanDirector
Mohammad Amir PashtoonDirector
Shaaz KhanCinematography
Ansab Amir KhanStoryboarding & Prod. Design
Tabish SultanVideo Producer
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:45 minutes 37 seconds
Country of Origin:India
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No