Hey Sitaram Hi Radheshyam
When the two legends belonging to different Era meet, their conversation makes interesting viewing.
Sujatha RajashekarDirectorMuzzle (Short Film), Mithya (Short Film)
Sujatha RajashekarWriterMuzzle (Short Film), Mithya (Short Film)
Whispers of the UniverseProducer
Sujatha RajashekarScreenplay and Dialogue
Rakesh YadavArt director
Shyam MuralimohanDirector of Photography
Swapnil SharmaEdit and ColoristKuch Der Aur (2018)
Kavya MedaCostume
Ankit SaxenaSong
Project Type:Short
Runtime:39 minutes 5 seconds
Country of Origin:India
Country of Filming:India
Language:English, Hindi
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
YoutubeDistributorCountry: WorldwideRights: Internet
A story teller with vivid imagination.